

Conference 2023
    General information
    Sessions attendance
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    Proceedings book of the IX JSVE 2023
    IX JSVE 2023 videos and presentations
    General information
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    Proceedings book of the VIII JSVE 2022
    VIII JSVE 2022 videos and presentations
Conference 2021
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    Proceedings book of the VII JSVE 2021
    VII JSVE 2021 videos and presentations
Conference 2020
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    Proceedings book of the VI JSVE 2020
    VI JSVE 2020 videos
Conference 2019
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    V JSVE 2019 photos
    Proceedings book of the V JSVE 2019
    V JSVE 2019 videos
Conference 2018
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    Proceedings book of the IV JSVE 2018
    IV JSVE 2018 videos
Conference 2017
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    III JSVE 2017 videos
Conference 2016
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    II JSVE 2016 videos
Conference 2015
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    JSVE 2015 videos


Conference 2021

VII JSVE 2021 and I International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems - Redesigning the teaching-learning process: digitalisation and other strategies

General information

The education system is immersed in a process of change and digitalisation accelerated by the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a very short period of time, we have experienced various teaching modalities. From a 100% online format, to 100% face-to-face teaching, when circumstances have allowed it. Likewise, we have gone through a hybrid teaching format organised according to the type of classes (online theory and face-to-face practice) or face-to-face for the teaching staff, who taught the subject from the classroom, with part of the students attending in person and the rest following the class virtually from their homes. We have also had to combine formats during the course or between groups depending on their characteristics.

It is undeniable that this situation has led to a notable increase in the workload of both teachers and students. In fact, teachers have had to additionally train in new technologies, communication platforms and adapt materials, teaching methodologies and assessment according to the teaching format, in a constant struggle not to lose students along the way. On the other hand, students have also been impacted by the changes in format, as well as by possible problems of continuity due to economic issues, lack of digitisation or health (both physical and mental) that have hindered their training in many cases. We have all made an effort together to overcome these challenges and difficulties and we would like this conference to serve to create a community in which to share our experiences, thus allowing us to continue to enrich and improve our teaching.

Thus, for the seventh consecutive year, we are organising this forum for discussion and exchange, open to the entire academic community, to share and disseminate new methodological developments, good teaching practices and the application of various innovative tools in the classroom. As we have pointed out, teaching challenges have only increased and we consider it necessary, more than ever, to have a space in which to exchange teaching innovation experiences and thus maintain the enthusiasm for teaching. Given the practical nature and interest of this conference, we encourage the academic community to attend and/or participate by presenting their research in teaching innovation.

Given the current extraordinary health situation, we have been forced to hold the conference in the same format as last year: mixed modality. In other words, all the speakers who are able to travel will attend in person to present their papers, but those who are unable to attend in person due to residency or health issues will participate virtually. As for the public, we are maintaining the virtual format, given that the health situation is not under control despite the good rate of vaccination.

  • Day: Wensday June 30, 2021
  • Mixed modality: National speakers will present in person and the public will be able to participate via a digital platform.
  • Place: La Sala Manuel Sánchez Ayuso de la Facultat d’Economia (primer piso).
  • Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Docente (PID): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado.” (UV-SFPIE_PID20-1352647)
  • Members of the scientific committee:
    López Rodríguez, Mª Isabel; Universitat de València (President)
    Barac Vuckovic, Maja; Universitat de València (President)
    Botella Andreu, Ana; Universitat de València
    Caballer Tarazona, María; Universitat de València
    Calvo Roselló, Esperanza; IES Francesc Tàrrega ( Castelló de la Plana)
    Calvo Roselló, Vicenta; Universitat Politècnica de València
    Casasús Estellés, Trinidad; Universitat de València
    Dolz Ferrer, Sergio; Universitat de València
    Arauco Urzagaste, Mónica Graciela ;UTEPSA (Bolivia)
    Juaristi Besalduch, Elena; Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera
    Martínez Otero, Juan María; Universitat de València
    Nagore Lacasa, Pilar; Universitat de València
    Palací López, Jesús; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
    Pardo García Cristina; Universitat de València
    Pla Vall, Ángeles; Universitat de València
    Rohr Trushcheleva, Margarita; Universitat de València
    Roig Casanova, Marta; Universitat de València
    Ruiz Ponce, Félix; Universitat de València
    Sainz Sujet, Paola; Oklahoma State University (Estados Unidos)
    Tamborero Sanjuán, Mª Pilar; Universitat de València



Sessions attendance

The VII JSVE are open to all the university and educational community, especially destined ot the PDI, although also devoted to the PAS and students. The assistance is free (price and access), but if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 26th June (We would like to remind you that the public will be able to follow the conference online). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and, if held in person (for the speakers) to a box-snack (both in the morning and in the afternoon).

Submission of presentations

To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 20th of June. All proposals will be subject to a peer review process and notification of acceptance or rejection will be made on 22 June.

For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.

Proceedings book of the VII JSVE 2021

In the VII JSVE 2021 - Redesigning the teaching-learning process: digitalisation and other strategies, an on-line publication of the conference will be published, specifically a book of proceedings with ISBN. Participation in the book of proceedings is voluntary and independent of participation as a speaker. All the speakers who want their paper to appear in this book will have to send an extended abstract following the model of PROCEEDINGS TAMPLATE. Please note that the organizing team reserves the right to reject the publication of papers that do not follow the indications of the template.

The length must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words in total, including the abstract and a brief bibliography. The deadline for submitting papers will be July 10. You must send your works in the indicated term to Vicenta Calvo to the mail


VII JSVE 2021 videos and presentations

OPENING: By Dña. M. Adela Valero Aleixandre, Vicerrectora de Empleo y Programas Formativos, UV, Don Francisco Muñoz Murgui, Decano de la de la Facultat d’Economia, UV and Dña. Isabel López Rodríguez President of the Scientific and the Organizing Committee of the Conference.

  • Session 1 + Discussion: Audiovisual resources and tools
    Session 1TitleSpeakers Affiliation
    Presentation 1“ Audiovisual resources to work on post-truth and fake news” María Angeles Abellán López; Gonzalo Pardo Beneyto Facultat de Ciències Socials, UV.
    Presentation 2 “Learning from home Pediatric and Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Teaching innovation in the context of COVID-19” Buck Sainz-Rozas, Pablo; Balaguer López, Evelin; Ruescas López, Manuel; Casal Angulo, Carmen; Tortajada Lohaces, Alejandro; Sánchez Pérez, Andrea; García Molina, Pablo Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia, UV
    Presentation 3 “Sensorial learning like a stimulus for hybrid teaching” Lucía Aparicio Chofré Facultat de Dret, UV.
    Presentation 4 “Sustainable and fair development as a transversal element for management learning” Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer, Julia Olmos-Peñuela, Óscar Llopis, José Luis Ferreras-Méndez Facultat d'Economia, UV.
    Presentation 5 “Study of the impact of COVID-19 on the perception of students about their motivation and learning” Jesús Palací López E.T.S. Ingeniería de Telecomunicación, URJC.
    Presentation 6 “Flipped Classroom y las TIC en la asignatura de Natación del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte del Campus d'Ontinyent” Alberto Encarnación-Martínez; Ignacio Catalá-Vilaplana; Inma Aparicio-Aparicio; Roberto Sanchis-Sanchis; Borja Ochoa-Puig; Pedro Pérez-Soriano Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport, UV.

Session 2 + Discussion: Socio-educational aspects

  • Session 2TitleSpeakers Affiliation
    Presentation 7 “University-society, a relationship to improve” Enric Ramiro Roca, Maria José Roig, Júlia Villaescusa , Carlos Carrera, Regina Bañuls, Mari Carmen Salas, Anna Llopis, José Maria Plaza (Grup Trepitjant) Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials, UJI.
    Presentation 8 “Plagiarism in high education” María Jesús García García Facultat de Dret, UV.
    Presentation 9 “Users’ profile of a quantitative online course” Trinidad Casasús Estellés, Mª Isabel López Rodríguez, Félix Ruiz Ponce Facultat d’Economia, UV.
    Presentation 10 “Gender perspective in an economic policy course” Maja Barac, Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Facultat d’Economia, UV.

Session 3 + Discussion: Participatory techniques and gamification
  • Session 3TitleSpeakers Affiliation
    Presentation 11 “Actividades lúdicas en educación superior: semejanzas y discrepancias según área de conocimiento” Vicenta Calvo Roselló, Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, UPV
    Presentation 12 “Las NTICS como herramientas facilitadoras del trabajo colaborativo e interdisciplinar: el proyecto POLÍTICAS por los ODS” Katia Esteve Mallent; Elena Juaristi Besalduch; Blanca Nicasio Varea; Marta Pérez Gabaldón; Ruth Abril Stoffels; Javier Pinazo Hernándis; Francisco Javier Visiedo Mazón Facultad de Derecho, Empresa y Ciencias Políticas, CEU Cardenal Herrera.
    Presentation 13 “Mejora de habilidades directivas en estudios de máster: el aprendizaje basado en retos del entorno” Cristina Villar, Ana Botella Andreu, José Pla Barber, Germán benito Sarria Facultat d'Economia, UV.
    Presentation 14 “Valoración del estudiantado del uso de los clickers en la docencia” Ángel Soler Guillén; Antonio Marín García Facultat d'Economia, UV.

    Invited speakerTitleSpeaker Occupation
    Invited speaker "Ludification: educational escape room as a learning tool" Pepe Soriano Pedagogue specialised in educational technology.

Session 4 + Discussion: Adaptation to digitalization

  • Session 4TitleSpeakers Affiliation
    Presentation 15 “Flipped Classroom and Online learning on the Mathematics teaching during and after COVID-19” Inmaculada Concepción Masero-Moreno Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, US.
    Presentation 16 “Discentibus: an online teaching system for the digital era” Marta Alcaide Navarro, Merjema Ertema, Óscar F. García Buelga, Emilia Serra Desfilis, Fernando García Pérez Facultat de Psicologia, UV.
    Presentation 17 “Involving students in teaching tasks” María García Monera Facultat de Matemàtiques, UV.
    Presentation 18 “The impact of COVID on the work carried out in the Libraries of the University of Valencia” Cristina García Testal, Blanca Llopis Carles Servei de Biblioteques i Documentació, UV.
    Presentation 19 “Evaluation from the presence system to the on-line model in the Degree of Dentistry in the treatment of patients and in the clinical sessions of the Practicum” Vanessa Paredes, Carlos Bellot, Verónica García, Beatriz Tarazona, Natalia Zamora, Jose Luis Gandia Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV.
    Presentation 20 “Adaptation process to Emergency Remote Education of the Private Technological University - Utepsa of Santa Cruz - Bolivia” Paola Andrea Sainz Sujet, Mónica Graciela Arauco Urzagaste, Roger Mario Lino Valverde UTEPSA.
  • CLOSING of the VII JSVE 2021 and the I JISVE: By María Caballer Tarazona of the Scientific and the Organizing Committee of the Conference.

