![Elaboration of interactive and multidisciplinary materials to promote learning and assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate studies Elaboration of interactive and multidisciplinary materials to promote learning and assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate studies](/piclickers//imgcabecera.jpg)
Conference 2024
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
Publishing options
IX JSVE 2023 videos and presentations
Conference 2024
X JSVE 2024 and I International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems - A decade of Innovating and Advancing together: keys to face the future in higher education.
General information
This year we are very excited to celebrate the 10th Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (JSVE) and the 4th International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (ICEVS). We are proud of the strong track record of cooperation, collegiality and outreach that has characterised these conferences over the years, and for the 10th anniversary we have introduced some new features. Higher education is in a constant state of transformation and in the last decade we have witnessed significant changes. Over the years we have faced unprecedented challenges and exciting opportunities that invite us to rethink the way we teach and learn. To celebrate this tenth anniversary of the conference we offer, in addition to presenting papers and publishing a book of abstracts as in recent years, the additional possibility of publishing the results of your research in teaching innovation in an e-book chapter in the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house (SPI Q1).
Under the banner "A decade of Innovating and Avanting together: keys to facing the future in higher education", we will explore the trends and practices that are shaping today's educational landscape. From the irruption of artificial intelligence (AI) to legislative and social changes, each element presents an opportunity to rethink our pedagogical strategies and adapt to a constantly evolving world, as well as challenges to not lose sight of the ultimate goal of the teaching-learning process. In this objective, AI is a disruptive element. On the one hand, AI democratises access to information and offers the possibility of increasing educational personalisation, on the other hand, it also poses challenges such as the identification of relevant information and equity of access. To address these challenges, it is crucial to reflect on how we can guide our students towards critical, meaningful and relevant learning. We face the challenge of balancing tradition with innovation, taking advantage of digital tools to enrich the educational experience without losing sight of the core values of teaching.
During this conference, we will bring together different profiles of the academic community to explore new strategies, share experiences and collaborate in the construction of a more inclusive, dynamic and student-centred educational future. In this way, we will explore the keys to face the challenges of tomorrow and make the most of the opportunities of today. We encourage you to participate by presenting your research in teaching innovation, preferably, but not exclusively, on the following topics:
- Elaboration and applications of materials for different teaching modalities,
- Gamification tools,
- Audiovisual resources and ICTs,
- Active and innovative methodologies,
- Adaptation of materials: SDGs,
- Evaluation of results,
- Collaborative learning and work,
- Good teaching practices.
- Artificial intelligence applied to education
We invite you to join this X JSVE and IV ICEVS, where we will exchange opinions, share materials openly and encourage constructive discussion on the methodologies and materials developed. Given the international nature of the conference and with the aim of facilitating the participation of international attendees and speakers, we continue to use the mixed modality (see below for information on each modality).
We look forward to seeing you at this tenth edition!
- Day: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
- Mixed modality: In person and online.
- Place: The Manuel Sánchez Ayuso Room of the Faculty of Economics (first floor) and virtual platform (registrants will receive a link to follow the conference online).
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Educativa Consolidado (PIEC): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado y posgrado.” (UV-SFPIE_PIEC-2736595)
- Members of the scientific committee:
López Rodríguez, Mª Isabel; Universitat de València (Chairwoman)
Barac, Maja; Universitat de València (Chairwoman)
Arauco Urzagaste, Mónica Graciela; UTEPSA (Bolivia)
Barrios Pérez, Víctor E.; Universitat de València
Benedetti Elena; Universidad de Bologna (Italia)
Bibi, Samuele; Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad de Aalborg (Dinamarca)
Caballer Tarazona, María; Universitat de València
Esteve Mallent, Katia; Universidad de Alicante
Gándara Fierro, Guillermo; ITESM (México)
Juan Sánchez, Ricardo; Universitat de València
Nagore Lacasa, Pilar; Universitat de València
Palací López, Jesús; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Pardo García Cristina; Universitat de València
Rocha, Luciana; Universidade do Porto
Rohr Trushcheleva, Margarita; Universitat de València
Roig Casanova, Marta; Universitat de València
Sainz Sujet, Paola; Oklahoma State University
Sánchez Moreno, José Nicolás; Universidad Católica de Colombia
See, Sarah Grace; Universidad de Groningen (Holanda)
Soler Guillén, Ángel; Universitat de València
Vercher Savall, Néstor; Universitat de València
Vitale, Raffaele; Universidad de Lille (Francia)
- Submission of abstracts for papers: 15th May
- Response (acceptance/rejection of the proposal): from 20 May onwards
- Payment (speakers only): until 31 May
- Registration: June 2nd
- Submission of final abstract for BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS: June 6
- Submission of chapter for the TIRANT LO BLANCH BOOK: 30th of June
Sessions attendance
The X JSVE are open to all the university and educational community: Teaching and Research Staff, Service Administration Staff and students. The assistance is free, but if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 02 June.
- In the PRESENT MODALITY: it will be essential to register and sign in the signature sheet.
- In the ONLINE MODALITY: it will be essential to register with the name under which the registration was made, attend virtually and make at least 2 comments/questions in the chat during the sessions.
We also inform you that the Conference presentations can be recorded for their subsequent exhibition on the web, so that ALL attendees and participants attending the conference in person must fill in and sign an IMAGE RIGHTS ASSIGNMENT FORM that we will provide you with when you register in person, in order to participate in the X JSVE 2024. In addition, for participants in the virtual mode, this consent is implicit when accessing the content of the conference via the link provided.
Submission of presentations
For the submission of papers it is required to fill in the corresponding FILE with deadline May 15th. All proposals will be submitted to a peer review process and the communication of the acceptance or not of the papers will be from May 20th.
- The official languages of the conference are Spanish and English.
- Each paper can be signed by a maximum of 7 authors.
- Each author can send a maximum of 2 proposals, but each paper must be presented by a different speaker.
- A registration fee must be paid (by the speaker or one of the authors) for each accepted paper, regardless of the number of authors.
New this year there is a REGISTRATION FEE for the presentation of papers of 30€. After receiving the acceptance email of your paper, the registration fee must be paid by DATE DEADLINE 31st MAY 2024, in order for the paper to be included in the programme. Payment can be made by bank transfer. To make the transfer, please consider the following details:
- CONCEPT: XJSVE_First Name Last Name
- IBAN: ES1600491827812210400038
Once the payment has been made, you must send the transfer receipt by e-mail to piclickers@uv.es indicating "PROOF OF PAYMENT XJSVE_ First Name Last Name" in the subject. Once you have sent the proof of payment to the organisers, you will be able to prepare your Power Point presentation using the following TEMPLATE which includes the necessary logos of the conference and the institutions involved. You will also receive additional instructions on how to prepare your presentation and the provisional programme, as well as further instructions on how the conference will run.
Publishing options
In the X JSVE 2024 and IV ICEVS - A decade Innovating and Advancing together: keys to face the future in higher education, in addition to publishing the abstracts in the proceedings book, you may choose to publish the final, extended text submitted to the conference as a book chapter. That is:
- Proceedings book of the IX JSVE 2024
A digital publication of the conference will be published, namely a book of proceedings with ISBN. Participation in the proceedings book is complementary to participation as a speaker. All speakers will have to send the finally accepted version of the abstract of their paper following the model of PROCEEDINGS SHEET with the version in Spanish and English to the e-mail piclickers@uv.es, indicating in the subject "ABSTRACT_First name and surname of the first author_5 first words of the title", with fecha límite de 06 junio de 2024.
Failure to comply with the format and/or deadline will result in the abstract not being included in the Proceedings book.
- Book chapter of X JSVE 2024 and IV ICEVS
An e-book publication of the conference will be published by Editorial Tirant lo Blanch (SPI Q1). Participation in the book of papers is voluntary. All speakers who wish to publish a chapter with the final and extended text presented at the conference must send their proposal (in Spanish or English) following the instructions to be sent by e-mail at the end of the conference.
In addition, publications in chapter form will be subject to peer review and may be rejected if they do not meet the minimum quality and/or format criteria. The recommended length is 10 pages (maximum 12 pages, including title, references and annexes). You should send your chapters to piclickers@uv.es, indicating in the subject "CHAPTER_First name and surname of the first author_5 first words of the title" with DATE DEADLINE 30 JUNE 2024.
IX JSVE 2023 videos and presentations
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