Conference 2023
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
Proceedings book of the IX JSVE 2023
IX JSVE 2023 and III ICEVS videos and presentations
Conference 2022
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
Proceedings book of the VIII JSVE 2022
VIII JSVE 2022 videos and presentations
Conference 2021
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
Proceedings book of the VII JSVE 2021
VII JSVE 2021 videos and presentations
Conference 2020
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
Proceedings book of the VI JSVE 2020
VI JSVE 2020 videos
Conference 2019
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
V JSVE 2019 photos
Proceedings book of the V JSVE 2019
V JSVE 2019 videos
Conference 2018
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
Proceedings book of the IV JSVE 2018
IV JSVE 2018 videos
Conference 2017
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
III JSVE 2017 photos
III JSVE 2017 videos
Conference 2016
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
II JSVE 2016 videos
Conference 2015
General information
Sessions attendance
Submission of presentations
User's manual
JSVE 2015 videos
Conference 2023
IX JSVE 2023 and III International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems - Facing the challenges of the 21st century in higher education
General information
Education and training have always gone hand in hand with social evolution and in many cases have been the protagonists and drivers of these changes. However, the speed at which things are changing today is dizzying. First, there was the advent of the internet and ICTs, which on the one hand democratised access to information, but complicated our ability to identify relevant and quality information. Then, recent upheavals in the form of socio-economic crises of various kinds posed new challenges, especially in the fight against inequalities in access to teacher training and learning outcomes. Nowadays, constant legislative changes introduce a lot of uncertainty, but do not always solve the problems. Finally, disruptive challenges are coming from artificial intelligence.
In our desire to establish a forum for discussion between teachers and students where solutions to these challenges in the teaching-learning process and the evaluation system are proposed, we convened the IX Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (JSVE) and III International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (ICEVS). Learning and teaching are dynamic processes that feed back on cooperation, therefore, we also seek collaboration and interaction with teachers by exchanging opinions, sharing open materials and encouraging constructive discussion on the methodologies and materials developed. The conference is open to the entire academic community. Given their practical nature and interest, we encourage the academic community to attend and/or share and disseminate by presenting their research in teaching innovation, preferably, but not exclusively, on the following topics:
- Elaboration and applications of materials for different teaching modalities,
- Gamification tools,
- Audiovisual resources and ICTs,
- Active and innovative methodologies,
- Adaptation of materials: SDGs,
- Evaluation of results,
- Collaborative learning and work,
- Good teaching practices.
- Artificial intelligence applied to education
Given the international character of the Conference and with the idea of facilitating the participation of international attendees and speakers, we continue to opt for the mixed modality (see below for information on each modality).
- Day: Tuesday June 6, 2023
- Mixed modality: In person and online.
- Place: The Manuel Sánchez Ayuso (all day) and Ignasi Villalonga Villalba (afternoon) Rooms of the Faculty of Economics (first floor) and virtual platform (registrants will receive a link to follow the conference online).
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Docente (PID): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado y posgrado.” (UV-SFPIE_PID-2077603)
- Members of the scientific committee:
López Rodríguez, Mª Isabel; Universitat de València (Presidenta)
Barac Vuckovic, Maja; Universitat de València (Presidenta)
Arauco Urzagaste, Mónica Graciela; UTEPSA (Bolivia)
Barrios Pérez, Víctor E.; Universitat de València
Caballer Tarazona, María; Universitat de València
Calvo Roselló, Esperanza; IES Salvador Gadea (Aldaya, Valencia)
Calvo Roselló, Vicenta; Universitat Politècnica de València
Casasús Estellés, Trinidad; Universitat de València
Esteve Mallent, Katia; Universidad de Alicante
Gándara Fierro, Guillermo; ITESM (México)
Juan Sánchez, Ricardo; Universitat de València
Juaristi Besalduch, Elena; Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera
Masero Moreno, Inmaculada; Universidad de Sevilla
Nagore Lacasa, Pilar; Universitat de València
Palací López, Jesús; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Pardo García Cristina; Universitat de València
Rocha, Luciana; Universidade do Porto
Rohr Trushcheleva, Margarita; Universitat de València
Roig Casanova, Marta; Universitat de València
Ruiz Ponce, Félix; Universitat de València
Sánchez Moreno, José Nicolás; Universidad Católica de Colombia
Vitale, Raffaele; Universidad de Lille (Francia)
Sessions attendance
The IX JSVE are open to all the university and educational community, especially destined to Teaching and Research Staff (PDI), but also dedicated to Service Administration Staff (PAS) and students. The assistance is free (price and access), but if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 31st May
- In the PRESENT MODALITY: it will be essential to register and sign in the signature sheet.
- In the ONLINE MODALITY: it will be essential to register with the name under which the registration was made, attend virtually and make at least 2 comments/questions in the chat during the sessions.
We also inform you that the Conference presentations can be recorded by the PID for their subsequent exhibition on the web, so that ALL attendees and participants attending the conference in person must fill in and sign an IMAGE RIGHTS ASSIGNMENT FORM that we will provide you with when you register in person, in order to participate in the IX JSVE 2023. In addition, for participants in the virtual mode, this consent is implicit when accessing the content of the conference via the link provided.
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 13th of June. All proposals will be subject to a peer review process and notification of acceptance or rejection will be made on 26 May.
For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.
Proceedings book of the IX JSVE 2023
In the IX JSVE 2023 - Facing the challenges of the 21st century in higher education, an on-line publication of the conference will be published, specifically a book of proceedings with ISBN. Participation in the book of proceedings is voluntary and independent of participation as a speaker. All the speakers who want their paper to appear in this book will have to send an extended abstract following the model of PROCEEDINGS TAMPLATE. Please note that the organizing team reserves the right to reject the publication of papers that do not follow the indications of the template.
The length must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words in total, including the abstract and a brief bibliography. The deadline for submitting papers will be 30 June. You must send your works in the indicated term to Vicenta Calvo to the mail vcalvo@mat.upv.es
IX JSVE 2023 and III ICEVS videos and presentations
INAUGURACIÓN: En la cual contamos con la presencia de D. Francisco Muñoz Murgui | Decano de la Facultat d’Economia, UV | Don Jose Javier Navarro | Director del Servei de Formació Permanent, UV y Dña. Maja Barac del comité científico y organizador.
- Sesión 1 + Discusión:Metodologías activas
Sesión 1 Título Ponentes Afiliación Ponencia 1 Aprendizaje cooperativo mediante la Técnica del Puzzle de Aronson (TPA) y su aplicación al Máster en Arqueología Cristina Real Facultat de Geografia i Història, UV. Ponencia 2 Una experiencia de simulación: la junta de tratamiento penitenciario en el aula Susana Berrocal Díaz Grado en Criminología, Universidad Europea de Valencia. Ponencia 3 Hacia una educación superior transformadora: uso de metodologías activas de aprendizaje para fomentar la adquisición de competencias de intervención neuropsicológica Irene Cano-López Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Internacional de Valencia. Ponencia 4 Evaluación de una aplicación de simulación de dicromacías como herramienta de aprendizaje para estudiantes de Optometría Houda Latifine El Tanji Facultat de Física, UV. Ponencia 5 De la teoría a la práctica, o a la inversa. Experiencias docentes centradas en la arqueología ibérica y mesoamericana desde la experimentación Marta Blasco Martín Facultat de Geografia i Història, UV.
- Sesión 2 + Discusión: Recursos audiovisuales y flipped classroom
Sesión 2 Título Ponentes Afiliación Ponencia 1 Metodologías docentes para el aprendizaje del lenguaje jurídico Marina Sancho López Facultat de Dret, UV. Ponencia 2 Women's Legacy: un curso online para la inclusión de las científicas en las aulas Estefanía Delgado Pinar Facultat de Química, UV. Ponencia 3 La innovación docente en los estudios de Máster. Una experiencia práctica en la enseñanza de la Corte Penal Internacional Lucía Aparicio Chofré Facultat deDret, UV. Ponencia 4 Flipped Classroom para salvar vidas: capacitando a facilitadores en simulación en Reanimación Cardiopulmonar Pediátrica y Neonatal en el grado de enfermería Pablo Buck Sainz-Rozas Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia, UV. Ponencia 5 Elaboración, uso y valoración de vídeos de inmunogenética en la asignatura de Inmunología Javier Megías Vericat Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV.
- Sesión 3 + Discusión: Evaluación de procesos de aprendizaje
Sesión 3 Título Ponentes Afiliación Ponencia 1 Posicionamiento de la Facultad de Economía dentro de la Universitat de València en las etapas del proceso de enseñanza‐aprendizaje: periodo 2016‐ 2022 María Avenza Ivars Facultat d'Economia, UV. Ponencia 2 Eficacia de la integración de Realidad Aumentada y Kahoot para el aprendizaje de anatomía dental Sofía Folguera Ferrairó Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV. Ponencia 3 Valoración de las habilidades comunicativas en jornadas universitarias y las diferencias entre la comunicación presencial y online Cristina Escamilla Robla Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Europea de Valencia. Ponencia 4 Los ánimos mejoran en 5º de Medicina. Un análisis de muestras pareadas en la Universitat de València Teresa San Miguel Díez Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV.
Ponencia invitada Título Ponente Ocupación Ponencia invitada "Introducción práctica al metaverso en el ámbito docente" Vicent Benavent Caballer Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, CEU Cardenal Herrera.
Sesión 4a Título Ponentes Afiliación Ponencia 1 Ser más sostenibles gracias a una metodología de aprendizaje Raquel Martín López Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Europea de Valencia. Ponencia 2 Herramienta “Genially” para el aumento de la interactividad durante las prácticas de microscopía Carmina Montoliu Felix Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV. Ponencia 3 "Future Exploration": escape room para la enseñanza de la Prospectiva Estratégica Guillermo Gándara Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey (México). Ponencia 4 Evaluación de una actividad de diseño de tests psicofísicos como herramienta de aprendizaje María Yaiza Santos Pérez Facultat de Física, UV. Ponencia 5 Tecnología inmersiva en la enseñanza universitaria de la biología celular: explorando la realidad virtual y modelos 3D José Manuel Morales Tatay Facultat Medicina i Odontologia, UV.
- Sesión paralela 4b (En línea y aula 2P04) + Discusión: Realidad virdtual y TICs educativas
Sesión 4b Título Ponentes Afiliación Ponencia 1 Rediseño y uso de una actividad lúdica en Educación Superior Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Facultat d'Economia, UV. Ponencia 2 Potenciando el Aprendizaje en la Preparación y Cálculo de Medicación: Un Enfoque Innovador a través del Concurso de la Facultad de Enfermería y Podología Mª del Rosario Molins Escrig Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia, UV. Ponencia 3 Ejemplo práctico de coordinación transversal en la docencia de Ciencias Básicas Daniel Gallart Mateu Facultat de Química, UV. Ponencia 4 Jugando hacia el conocimiento: Potenciando la participación y autoevaluación del estudiantado universitario en asignaturas del área de Ciencias Sociales y Psicología Faraj A. Santirso Facultat de Psicologia, UV.
CLAUSURA de las XI JSVE 2023 y III JISVE: Dña. Marta Roig | del comité científico y organizador.
Conference 2022
VIII JSVE 2022 and II International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems - Milestones in education: lessons from the pandemic, teaching modalities and SDGs
General information
For the last two academic years, we have been suffering the direct and indirect consequences of the health crisis caused by the pandemic in our teaching practice. On the one hand, this has forced us to deal with different teaching modalities, different from the usual face-to-face teaching. The full online teaching format, hybrid teaching organised according to the type of classes (online theory and face-to-face practice) or face-to-face for the teaching staff, who taught the subject from the classroom, with part of the students attending in person and the rest following the class virtually from their homes, etc. On the other hand, this situation has led to a significant increase in the workload of both teachers and students, with new challenges to maintain attention and motivation, as well as the quality of the teaching-learning process and the assessment system for both groups.
Linked to this, it is becoming increasingly clear that there must be a profound process of updating and revision of teaching materials that goes beyond their adaptation according to the teaching format or training in new technologies and communication platforms. This requires changing the unsustainability of our current economic model, and for these changes to take hold in society, they must also be implemented in education. The study and introduction of the Millennium Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is key to reducing social and economic inequalities, conserving the environment and ecosystems and ensuring that there is a dignified and inclusive future for future generations.
With all this, the education system is in a constant process of change and updating. Learning and teaching are dynamic processes that feed back on the cooperation of teachers. For this reason, we also seek collaboration and interaction with teachers by exchanging opinions, sharing materials openly and encouraging constructive discussion on the methodologies and materials developed. Following this line, we organised the VIII Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (JSVE) and II International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (IICEVS), a forum for discussion and exchange, open to the entire academic community. Given the practical nature and interest of these conferences, we encourage the academic community to attend and/or share and disseminate by presenting their research in teaching innovation, preferably, but not exclusively, on the following topics:
- Elaboration and applications of materials for different teaching modalities,
- Gamification tools,
- Audiovisual resources and ICTs,
- Active and innovative methodologies,
- Adaptation of materials: SDGs,
- Evaluation of results,
- Collaborative learning and work,
- Good teaching practices.
We consider that, given the international nature of the conference, the mixed modality offers certain advantages when it comes to facilitating the participation of attendees and speakers who are unable to travel, but who do wish to take part in the conference. In other words, we encourage local and national participants to follow the conference in person, but those who are unable to attend in person due to residence or health reasons will be able to participate virtually.
- Day: Wednesday June 22, 2022
- Mixed modality: In person and online.
- Place: The Manuel Sánchez Ayuso Room of the Faculty of Economics (first floor) and virtual platform (registrants will receive a link to follow the conference online).
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Docente (PID): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado.” (UV-SFPIE_PID-1639467)
- Members of the scientific committee:
López Rodríguez, Mª Isabel; Universitat de València (Presidenta)
Barac Vuckovic, Maja; Universitat de València (Presidenta)
Arauco Urzagaste, Mónica Graciela; UTEPSA (Bolivia)
Barrios Pérez, Víctor E.; Universitat de València
Belaire Franch, Jorge; Universitat de València
Caballer Tarazona, María; Universitat de València
Calvo Roselló, Esperanza; IES Salvador Gadea (Aldaya, Valencia)
Calvo Roselló, Vicenta; Universitat Politècnica de València
Casasús Estellés, Trinidad; Universitat de València
Gadille, Martine; CNRS, Aix Marseille Université, LEST-UMR7317-Centro de Investigación en Economía Laboral y Sociología del Trabajo (Francia)
Gándara Fierro, Guillermo; ITESM (México)
Juan Sánchez, Ricardo; Universitat de València
Juaristi Besalduch, Elena; Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera
Martínez Otero, Juan María; Universitat de València
Masero Moreno, Inmaculada; Universidad de Sevilla
Nagore Lacasa, Pilar; Universitat de València
Palací López, Jesús; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Pardo García Cristina; Universitat de València
Rocha, Luciana; Universidade do Porto
Rohr Trushcheleva, Margarita; Universitat de València
Roig Casanova, Marta; Universitat de València
Ruiz Ponce, Félix; Universitat de València
Sainz Sujet, Paola; UTEPSA (Bolivia)
Sánchez Moreno, José Nicolás; Universidad Católica de Colombia
Tamborero Sanjuán, Mª Pilar; Universitat de València
Vitale, Raffaele; Universidad de Lille (Francia)
DownloadSessions attendance
The VIII JSVE are open to all the university and educational community, especially destined to Teaching and Research Staff (PDI), but also dedicated to Service Administration Staff (PAS) and students. The assistance is free (price and access), but if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 19th June (We would like to remind you that the public will be able to follow the conference online). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and, if held in person also a coffe-break both in the morning and in the afternoon.
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 13th of June. All proposals will be subject to a peer review process and notification of acceptance or rejection will be made on 15 June.
For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.
Proceedings book of the VIII JSVE 2022
In the VIII JSVE 2022 - Milestones in education: lessons from the pandemic, teaching modalities and SDGs, an on-line publication of the conference will be published, specifically a book of proceedings with ISBN. Participation in the book of proceedings is voluntary and independent of participation as a speaker. All the speakers who want their paper to appear in this book will have to send an extended abstract following the model of PROCEEDINGS TAMPLATE. Please note that the organizing team reserves the right to reject the publication of papers that do not follow the indications of the template.
The length must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words in total, including the abstract and a brief bibliography. The deadline for submitting papers will be 4 July. You must send your works in the indicated term to Vicenta Calvo to the mail vcalvo@mat.upv.es
VIII JSVE 2022 videos and presentations
OPENING: By D. Francisco Muñoz Murgui, Decano de la Facultat d’Economia, UV, Don Jose Javier Navarro, Director del Servei de Formació Permanent, UV y Dña. Maja Barac del comité científico y organizador.
- Session 1 + Discussion: Collaborative and cooperative learning
Session 1 Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 1 El Metaverso como herramienta para mejorar la experiencia docente y la interacción entre alumnos de grado en fisioterapia. Resultados de un estudio piloto Vicent Benavent Caballer Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, CEU Presentation 2 Agenda 2030: Rethink Alfafar Katia Esteve Mallent Facultad de Derecho, Empresa y Ciencias Políticas, CEU Cardenal Herrera. Presentation 3 Simuladores hápticos en anestesia bucal Berta Garcia Mira Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV Presentation 4 Flipgrid como herramienta facilitadora de la comunicación en el contexto del COVID-19 Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer Facultat d'Economia, UV Presentation 5 El Cuaderno del Alumno/a como herramienta para el aprendizaje cooperativo del Acrosport Roberto Sanchis-Sanchis Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport, UV
- Session 2 + Discussion: Multimedia materials and gamification
Session 2 Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 1 Desarrollo de material multimedia para el Grado de Odontología de la Facultad de Medicina y Odontología de la Universidad de Valencia. Experiencia de nuestro equipo tras ocho proyectos de innovación docente Vanessa Paredes Gallardo Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV Presentation 2 Integración de Realidad Aumentada y Kahoot para el aprendizaje de anatomía dental: una propuesta didáctica Sofía Folguera Ferrairó Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV. Presentation 3 Análisis de la satisfacción del alumnado con las mejoras implementadas en las sesiones de simulación clínica avanzada en pediatría y neonatología Maria del Rosario Molins i Escrig Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia, UV. Presentation 4 Análisis comparado del uso de TIC en promociones pre-COVID y COVID: un estudio de caso Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Facultat d'Economia, UV.
- Session 3 + Discussion: Self-assessment and quantitative teaching
Session 3 Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 1 ¿Cómo mejorar la motivación y el rendimiento académico de los alumnos en Diseños de Investigación? El sistema Discentibus Marta Alcaide Facultat de Psicologia, UV. Presentation 2 La innovación dentro de la innovación Otra forma de enseñar desde la participación, la acción y colaboración empleando los ODS y el formato TED Talk Lucía Aparicio Chofré Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 3 Sobre la adecuación de los conocimientos cuantitativos previos de los estudiantes de primer curso en la Facultat d’Economia de la UV Trinidad Casasús Estellés Facultat d'Economia, UV Presentation 4 La magia de... “estadistica” (paquete de R) Rosario Martínez Verdú Facultat d'Economia, UV. Presentation 5 Género y síndrome del impostor en estudiantes de grado María Caballer Tarazona Facultat d'Economia, UV.
- Guest Speaker + Discussion
Guest Speaker Title Speaker Occupation Guest Speaker “Transversalización de la Agenda 2030 en la docencia: ¿Cómo contribuir a los ODS desde las aulas?” Ana Alcaraz Departamento de Trabajo Social, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UV.
- Parallel Session 4a (Presencial en Sala Manuel Sánchez Ayuso) + Discussion: Audiovisual tools and digitization
Session 4a Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 1 La clase invertida favorece el aprovechamiento del tiempo de clase y la participación: experiencia en el Grado de Nutrición Humana y Dietética Dolores Ortiz-Masià Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV Presentation 2 Elaboración de contenidos multimedia para la mejora de la motivación y rendimiento académico Julián Martínez Moya Facultat d'Economia, UV. Presentation 3 Una experiencia de innovación docente basada en el aprendizaje tecnocooperativo en el ámbito de la Psicología Social Faraj Abu-Elbar Santirso Facultat de Psicologia, UV. Presentation 4 Diseño universal para la instrucción (DUI): el vídeo interactivo Sergio Dolz Ferrer Facultat d'Economia, UV. Presentation 5 Nuevas tecnologías e interacción personal en el aula María Jesús García García Facultat de Dret, UV.
- Parallel Session 4b (En línea y aula 2P04) + Discussion: Ethics and new teaching resources
Session 4b Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 1 El aprendizaje del buen gobierno en las Ciencias Sociales: Un proyecto piloto sobre los instrumentos de gestión ética en las organizaciones político-sociales Gonzalo Pardo Beneyto Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 2 Explorando el surgimiento y la evolución de la ciudadanía y la democracia con tecnologías inmersivas Guillermo Gándara, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno Tecnológico de Monterrey (México). Presentation 3 Reinventando la enseñanza para el estudio del futuro: bloque Prospectiva escenarios político-económicos internacionales María Del Rosario Tapia Baranda Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey (México). Presentation 4 Programa de Responsabilidad Social “Yomasa” Aprendizaje y Servicio Comunitario José Nicolás Sánchez Moreno Facultad de Economía, Universidad Católica de Colombia. Presentation 5 Nuevos recursos didácticos para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las Matemáticas Universitaria en la era digital: Materiales Didácticos Digitales Inmaculada Concepción Masero Moreno Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, US
CLOSSING of the VIII JSVE 2022 y II JISVE: By Dña. Marta Roig, of the Scientific and the Organizing Committee of the Conference.
Conference 2021
VII JSVE 2021 and I International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems - Redesigning the teaching-learning process: digitalisation and other strategies
General information
The education system is immersed in a process of change and digitalisation accelerated by the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a very short period of time, we have experienced various teaching modalities. From a 100% online format, to 100% face-to-face teaching, when circumstances have allowed it. Likewise, we have gone through a hybrid teaching format organised according to the type of classes (online theory and face-to-face practice) or face-to-face for the teaching staff, who taught the subject from the classroom, with part of the students attending in person and the rest following the class virtually from their homes. We have also had to combine formats during the course or between groups depending on their characteristics.
It is undeniable that this situation has led to a notable increase in the workload of both teachers and students. In fact, teachers have had to additionally train in new technologies, communication platforms and adapt materials, teaching methodologies and assessment according to the teaching format, in a constant struggle not to lose students along the way. On the other hand, students have also been impacted by the changes in format, as well as by possible problems of continuity due to economic issues, lack of digitisation or health (both physical and mental) that have hindered their training in many cases. We have all made an effort together to overcome these challenges and difficulties and we would like this conference to serve to create a community in which to share our experiences, thus allowing us to continue to enrich and improve our teaching.
Thus, for the seventh consecutive year, we are organising this forum for discussion and exchange, open to the entire academic community, to share and disseminate new methodological developments, good teaching practices and the application of various innovative tools in the classroom. As we have pointed out, teaching challenges have only increased and we consider it necessary, more than ever, to have a space in which to exchange teaching innovation experiences and thus maintain the enthusiasm for teaching. Given the practical nature and interest of this conference, we encourage the academic community to attend and/or participate by presenting their research in teaching innovation.
Given the current extraordinary health situation, we have been forced to hold the conference in the same format as last year: mixed modality. In other words, all the speakers who are able to travel will attend in person to present their papers, but those who are unable to attend in person due to residency or health issues will participate virtually. As for the public, we are maintaining the virtual format, given that the health situation is not under control despite the good rate of vaccination.
- Day: Wensday June 30, 2021
- Mixed modality: National speakers will present in person and the public will be able to participate via a digital platform.
- Place: La Sala Manuel Sánchez Ayuso de la Facultat d’Economia (primer piso).
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Docente (PID): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado.” (UV-SFPIE_PID20-1352647)
- Members of the scientific committee:
López Rodríguez, Mª Isabel; Universitat de València (President)
Barac Vuckovic, Maja; Universitat de València (President)
Botella Andreu, Ana; Universitat de València
Caballer Tarazona, María; Universitat de València
Calvo Roselló, Esperanza; IES Francesc Tàrrega ( Castelló de la Plana)
Calvo Roselló, Vicenta; Universitat Politècnica de València
Casasús Estellés, Trinidad; Universitat de València
Dolz Ferrer, Sergio; Universitat de València
Arauco Urzagaste, Mónica Graciela ;UTEPSA (Bolivia)
Juaristi Besalduch, Elena; Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera
Martínez Otero, Juan María; Universitat de València
Nagore Lacasa, Pilar; Universitat de València
Palací López, Jesús; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Pardo García Cristina; Universitat de València
Pla Vall, Ángeles; Universitat de València
Rohr Trushcheleva, Margarita; Universitat de València
Roig Casanova, Marta; Universitat de València
Ruiz Ponce, Félix; Universitat de València
Sainz Sujet, Paola; Oklahoma State University (Estados Unidos)
Tamborero Sanjuán, Mª Pilar; Universitat de València
Sessions attendance
The VII JSVE are open to all the university and educational community, especially destined ot the PDI, although also devoted to the PAS and students. The assistance is free (price and access), but if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 26th June (We would like to remind you that the public will be able to follow the conference online). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and, if held in person (for the speakers) to a box-snack (both in the morning and in the afternoon).
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 20th of June. All proposals will be subject to a peer review process and notification of acceptance or rejection will be made on 22 June.
For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.
Proceedings book of the VII JSVE 2021
In the VII JSVE 2021 - Redesigning the teaching-learning process: digitalisation and other strategies, an on-line publication of the conference will be published, specifically a book of proceedings with ISBN. Participation in the book of proceedings is voluntary and independent of participation as a speaker. All the speakers who want their paper to appear in this book will have to send an extended abstract following the model of PROCEEDINGS TAMPLATE. Please note that the organizing team reserves the right to reject the publication of papers that do not follow the indications of the template.
The length must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words in total, including the abstract and a brief bibliography. The deadline for submitting papers will be July 10. You must send your works in the indicated term to Vicenta Calvo to the mail vcalvo@mat.upv.es
VII JSVE 2021 videos and presentations
OPENING: By Dña. M. Adela Valero Aleixandre, Vicerrectora de Empleo y Programas Formativos, UV, Don Francisco Muñoz Murgui, Decano de la de la Facultat d’Economia, UV and Dña. Isabel López Rodríguez President of the Scientific and the Organizing Committee of the Conference.
- Session 1 + Discussion: Audiovisual resources and tools
Session 1 Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 1 “ Audiovisual resources to work on post-truth and fake news” María Angeles Abellán López; Gonzalo Pardo Beneyto Facultat de Ciències Socials, UV. Presentation 2 “Learning from home Pediatric and Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Teaching innovation in the context of COVID-19” Buck Sainz-Rozas, Pablo; Balaguer López, Evelin; Ruescas López, Manuel; Casal Angulo, Carmen; Tortajada Lohaces, Alejandro; Sánchez Pérez, Andrea; García Molina, Pablo Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia, UV Presentation 3 “Sensorial learning like a stimulus for hybrid teaching” Lucía Aparicio Chofré Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 4 “Sustainable and fair development as a transversal element for management learning” Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer, Julia Olmos-Peñuela, Óscar Llopis, José Luis Ferreras-Méndez Facultat d'Economia, UV. Presentation 5 “Study of the impact of COVID-19 on the perception of students about their motivation and learning” Jesús Palací López E.T.S. Ingeniería de Telecomunicación, URJC. Presentation 6 “Flipped Classroom y las TIC en la asignatura de Natación del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte del Campus d'Ontinyent” Alberto Encarnación-Martínez; Ignacio Catalá-Vilaplana; Inma Aparicio-Aparicio; Roberto Sanchis-Sanchis; Borja Ochoa-Puig; Pedro Pérez-Soriano Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport, UV.
Session 2 + Discussion: Socio-educational aspects
Session 2 Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 7 “University-society, a relationship to improve” Enric Ramiro Roca, Maria José Roig, Júlia Villaescusa , Carlos Carrera, Regina Bañuls, Mari Carmen Salas, Anna Llopis, José Maria Plaza (Grup Trepitjant) Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials, UJI. Presentation 8 “Plagiarism in high education” María Jesús García García Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 9 “Users’ profile of a quantitative online course” Trinidad Casasús Estellés, Mª Isabel López Rodríguez, Félix Ruiz Ponce Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 10 “Gender perspective in an economic policy course” Maja Barac, Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Facultat d’Economia, UV.
Session 3 Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 11 “Actividades lúdicas en educación superior: semejanzas y discrepancias según área de conocimiento” Vicenta Calvo Roselló, Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, UPV Presentation 12 “Las NTICS como herramientas facilitadoras del trabajo colaborativo e interdisciplinar: el proyecto POLÍTICAS por los ODS” Katia Esteve Mallent; Elena Juaristi Besalduch; Blanca Nicasio Varea; Marta Pérez Gabaldón; Ruth Abril Stoffels; Javier Pinazo Hernándis; Francisco Javier Visiedo Mazón Facultad de Derecho, Empresa y Ciencias Políticas, CEU Cardenal Herrera. Presentation 13 “Mejora de habilidades directivas en estudios de máster: el aprendizaje basado en retos del entorno” Cristina Villar, Ana Botella Andreu, José Pla Barber, Germán benito Sarria Facultat d'Economia, UV. Presentation 14 “Valoración del estudiantado del uso de los clickers en la docencia” Ángel Soler Guillén; Antonio Marín García Facultat d'Economia, UV.
Invited speaker Title Speaker Occupation Invited speaker "Ludification: educational escape room as a learning tool" Pepe Soriano Pedagogue specialised in educational technology.
Session 4 + Discussion: Adaptation to digitalization
Session 4 Title Speakers Affiliation Presentation 15 “Flipped Classroom and Online learning on the Mathematics teaching during and after COVID-19” Inmaculada Concepción Masero-Moreno Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, US. Presentation 16 “Discentibus: an online teaching system for the digital era” Marta Alcaide Navarro, Merjema Ertema, Óscar F. García Buelga, Emilia Serra Desfilis, Fernando García Pérez Facultat de Psicologia, UV. Presentation 17 “Involving students in teaching tasks” María García Monera Facultat de Matemàtiques, UV. Presentation 18 “The impact of COVID on the work carried out in the Libraries of the University of Valencia” Cristina García Testal, Blanca Llopis Carles Servei de Biblioteques i Documentació, UV. Presentation 19 “Evaluation from the presence system to the on-line model in the Degree of Dentistry in the treatment of patients and in the clinical sessions of the Practicum” Vanessa Paredes, Carlos Bellot, Verónica García, Beatriz Tarazona, Natalia Zamora, Jose Luis Gandia Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV. Presentation 20 “Adaptation process to Emergency Remote Education of the Private Technological University - Utepsa of Santa Cruz - Bolivia” Paola Andrea Sainz Sujet, Mónica Graciela Arauco Urzagaste, Roger Mario Lino Valverde UTEPSA.
Conference 2020
VI JSVE 2020 - A decade of the Bologna Plan: analysing its impact on Higher Education
General information
This 2019/2020 school year has been very special. On the one hand, it is 10 years since the implementation of the Bologna Plan in Spain. This reform was a relevant boost for teaching innovation with the establishment of continuous assessment. On the other hand, the recent pandemic situation with the COVID-19, which has forced the entire teaching community to transform teaching to a 100% online format and in record time, practically from today to tomorrow.
Given the current extraordinary health situation we have been forced to postpone the celebration of the sixth edition of the conference to September and we still can not guarantee if this modality will definitely be possible given the current context of uncertainty. For this reason, we reserve the right to transform the conference into a virtual format if it is not possible to hold it with total security.
As in previous years, we convened a forum for discussion and exchange in the academic community to share and disseminate new methodologies, good teaching practices and the application of various innovative tools in the classroom. Precisely because of the current situation, we understand that the teaching challenges have only increased and we consider it necessary, more than ever, to create a space where we can be able to exchange teaching innovation experiences, share them and thus enrich our teaching through the community that we have been creating over the last few years.
Given the practical nature and interest of these conferences, we encourage the academic community to attend and/or participate by presenting their research in teaching innovation.
- Day: Thursday September 10, 2020
- Place: To determine whether the conferences can finally be held in person or will have to be adapted to a virtual format.
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Docente (PID): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado.” (UV-SFPIE_PID19-1095774)
Sessions attendance
The VI JSVE are open to all the university community, especially destined ot the PDI, although also devoted to the PAS and students. The assistance is free (price and access), but limited to the maximum capacity of the room. Therefore, if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 1st September (This year's registration implies the possibility that the conference will be held virtually if there is a resurgence of the pandemic by COVID-19 that prevents it from being held in person). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and, if held in person, give you a snack during the pause-coffee (both in the morning and in the afternoon).
IMPORTANT: We also inform you that the Conference presentations can be recorded by the PID for their subsequent exhibition on the web, so that ALL attendees and participants must fill in and sign an IMAGE RIGHTS ASSIGNMENT FORM that we will provide you with when you register in person, in order to participate in the V JSVE 2019.
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 31st of September. The communication of the acceptance of the works will be informed by 1st of September.
For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.
Proceedings book of the VI JSVE 2020
In the VI JSVE 2020 - A decade of the Bologna Plan: analysing its impact on Higher Education, an on-line publication of the conference will be published, specifically a book of proceedings with ISBN. Participation in the book of proceedings is voluntary and independent of participation as a speaker. All the speakers who want their paper to appear in this book will have to send an extended abstract following the model of PROCEEDINGS TAMPLATE. Please note that the organizing team reserves the right to reject the publication of papers that do not follow the indications of the template.
The length must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words in total, including the abstract and a brief bibliography. The deadline for submitting papers will be September 12. You must send your works in the indicated term to Vicenta Calvo to the mail vcalvo@mat.upv.es
VI JSVE 2020 videos
Conference 2019
V JSVE 2019 - Good practices in the teaching-learning process
General information
We are pleased to announce that the fifth edition of the educational innovation conferences developed within the framework of the project "Elaboration of interactive and multidisciplinary materials to favour learning and evaluation in undergraduate studies" is already underway. As in previous years, we convened a forum for discussion and exchange in the academic community to share and disseminate new methodologies, good teaching practices and the application of various innovative tools in the classroom.
Given the practical nature and interest of these conferences, we encourage the academic community to attend and/or participate by presenting their research in teaching innovation.
- Day: Wednesday June 19, 2019
- Place: The Manuel Sánchez Ayuso room of the Faculty of Economy (first flat).
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Educativa i Calidad Docente (Red de Innovación): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado.” (UV-SFPIE_GER18-849069)
Sessions attendance
The V JSVE are open to all the university community, although they are especially destined to the PDI and PAS. The assistance is free (price and access), but limited to the maximum capacity of the room. Therefore, if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 10th of June (Registration is limited to the room’s capacity). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and give you a snack during the pause-coffee (both in the morning and in the afternoon).
IMPORTANT: We also inform you that the Conference presentations will be recorded by the Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa (SFPIE) of the University of Valencia, so that ALL attendees and participants must fill in and sign an IMAGE RIGHTS ASSIGNMENT FORM that we will provide you with when you register in person, in order to participate in the V JSVE 2019.
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 7th of June. The communication of the acceptance of the works will be informed by 13th of June.
For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.
V JSVE 2019 photos
Proceedings book of the V JSVE 2019
In the V JSVE 2019 - Good practices in the teaching-learning process, an on-line publication of the conference will be published, specifically a book of proceedings with ISBN. Participation in the book of proceedings is voluntary and independent of participation as a speaker. All the speakers who want their paper to appear in this book will have to send an extended abstract following the model of PROCEEDINGS TAMPLATE. Please note that the organizing team reserves the right to reject the publication of papers that do not follow the indications of the template.
The length must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words in total, including the abstract and a brief bibliography. The deadline for submitting papers will be July 12. You must send your works in the indicated term to Vicenta Calvo to the mail vcalvo @ mat.upv.es
V JSVE 2019 videos
OPENING: By Dña M. Adela Valero, Vicerrectora de Empleo y Programas Formativos (UV), Dña. María Dolores Montagud Mascarell, Vicedecana de Calidad y Acreditaciones de la Facultat d’Economia (UV), Dña Isabel López Rodríguez y Dña Maja Barac of the Organizing Committee of the Conference.Session 1 Title Speakers From Presentation 1 “El uso de la gamificación mediante cuestionarios Kahoot para fomentar el aprendizaje activo y colaborativo en el Grado en Derecho” Lucía Aparicio Chofré y Juan María Martínez Otero Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 2 “Uso de TICs en el aula para el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de la higiene de manos” María Madrid Solano, Vicent Martí Escamilla, Silvia Cucarella Guillem, Marina Niclós Esteve, Ana Granell Sánchez, Ángela Olmedo Salas y Mª Monserrat Sánchez Lorente. Escuela de Enfermería La Fe, UV. Presentation 3 “Medición del impacto del Pensamiento Computacional en la resolución de problemas con herramientas de gamificación” Emilia López-Iñesta, María Ros-Esteve, Pascual D. Diago Facultat de Magisteri, UV. Presentation 4 “Empleo de plataformas on-line de respuesta de audiencia para la implementación de técnicas de aprendizaje basado en juegos,” Francisco Grimaldo, Emilia López-Iñesta, Máximo Cobos, Sandra Roger, Ariadna Fuertes, Miguel García-Pineda, Esther de Ves, Isaías S. Sanmartín, Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez, M. Asunción Castaño, José M. Claver, Juan Gutiérrez-Soto Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, UV. Presentation 6 “El uso de Kahoot en la progresión de los estudios universitarios” María Jesús García García Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 7 “Aprendizaje compartido entre alumnos universitarios de Ciencias de la Salud e Ingeniería Electrónica y alumnos de formación profesional del área de Tecnología y Salud” Nicole Victoria Zurita-Round, Mª Montserrat Sánchez-Lorente, Juan Ramón Alarcón-Gómez, Pablo García-Molina, Evelin Balaguer-López, José María Blasco-Igual, Enrique Sanchis-Sánchez Facultat de Fisioteràpia, UV. Invited speaker Title Speaker From Invited speaker “Ciència quotidiana per a tota la setmana” Enric Ramiro Roca Departament d'Educació, Universitat Jaume I de Castelló.
Session 2 Title Speakers From Presentation 8 “Innovación educativa en estudiantes universitarios: Un programa para mejorar las competencias en investigación” Oscar F. Garcia, Emilia Serra, Fernando García Facultat de Psicologia, UV. Presentation 9 “Trabajando indicadores en el aula. Una propuesta para reflexionar y conocer por qué necesitamos estas herramientas” Maria Angeles Abellan Lopez Facultat Ciències Socials, UV. Presentation 10 “El aprendizaje colaborativo aplicado en el aula” Margarita Rohr Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 11 “Aprehendiendo DEL mediante pensamiento crítico con interactividad presencial y online” Jose Rodolfo Hernandez-Carrion Facultat d’Economia, UV. Session 3 Title Speakers From Presentation 12 “L’aplicació de la perspectiva de gènere en la investigació i l’elaboració de Treballs Final de Grau” Vicenta Tasa Fuster Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 13 “Los delitos a través de las noticias” Carla de Paredes Gallardo Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Europea de Valencia Presentation 14 “El cine como fuente de aprendizaje universitario: una escena vale más que mil palabras” Fernando Hernández Guijarro Facultat d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses, UPV. Presentation 15 “National Biomechanics Day, Celebrant la ciència del Segle XXI” Alberto Encarnación-Martínez, Pedro Pérez-Soriano, Inmaculada Aparicio Aparicio, Robert Sanchis Sanchis, José Ignacio Priego Quesada, Irene Jiménez Pérez, Marina Gil Calvo, Lara Requena Bueno Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport, UV. Session 4 Title Speakers From Presentation 16 “Aprendizaje de comunicación eficaz como habilidad no técnica a través de la simulación clínica avanzada” Carmen Casal Angulo, Antonio Martínez-Sabater, Mª Luisa Ballestar Tarín, Carles Saus Ortega Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia, UV. Presentation 17 “Laboratorio virtual para ciencias de la visión” María del Carmen García Domene, María José Luque Cobija, Dolores de Fez, María Amparo Díez Ajenjo, Álvaro Pons Moreno, Pascual Capilla Perea, Jesús Malo López, Jose Juan Esteve Taboada, Vicente Camps Sanchis Facultat de Física, UV. Presentation 18 “Píldoras Formativas en Educación Superior” Isabel Fambuena Muedra, Rosa Mª Hernández Andrés Facultat de Física, UV. Presentation 19 “Videotutoriales para la enseñanza de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica aplicados a la arqueología” Agustín Diez Castillo, Sonia Machause López Facultat de Geografia i Història, UV. Presentation 20 “Evaluación del uso combinado de TICs en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje” Maja Barac, Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Facultat d’Economia, UV.
CLOSING: By Fèlix Ruiz Ponce of the Organizing Committee of the Conference.
Conference 2018
IV JSVE 2018 - Exploring new methodologies in higher education
General information
This year we organized the fourth edition of the conference in educational innovation in the framework of the project "Development of interactive and multidisciplinary materials to promote learning and assessment in undergraduate studies". The aim of the conference is to share and to disseminate methodologies, standards and innovative tools useful in higher education. In the IV JSVE we intend to have more contributions about the methodological part of teaching.
Given the success in attendance and in presentations of the previous conferences, this year we have extended the conference to the whole day instead of concentrating it in one morning, thus allowing for more proposals.
We believe that these days of teaching innovation can be very interesting and beneficial for the university community so we encourage people to attend and participate in them.
- Day: Wednesday June 27, 2018 / 9:00 to 19:00 hours
- Place: The Manuel Sánchez Ayuso room of the Faculty of Economy (first flat).
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Educativa i Calidad Docente (Red de Innovación): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado.” (UV-SFPIE_GER17-585541)
Sessions attendance
The IV JSVE are open to all the university community, although they are especially destined to the PDI and PAS. The assistance is free (price and access), but limited to the maximum capacity of the room. Therefore, if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 18th of June (Registration is limited to the room’s capacity). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and give you a snack during the pause-coffee (both in the morning and in the afternoon).
IMPORTANT: We also inform you that the Conference presentations will be recorded by the Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa (SFPIE) of the University of Valencia, so that ALL attendees and participants must fill in and sign an IMAGE RIGHTS ASSIGNMENT FORM that we will provide you with when you register in person, in order to participate in the IV JSVE 2018.
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 15th of June. The communication of the acceptance of the works will be informed by 18th of June.
For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.
Proceedings book of the IV JSVE 2018
IV JSVE 2018 videos
OPENING: By Mr. José Manuel Pastor Monsálvez, Dean of Facultat d’Economia (UV), Mrs. M. Adela Valero, from the Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Services (UV) and Mrs. Isabel López Rodríguez from organizing committee.
Session 1 Title Speakers From Presentation 1 “ Los clickers como metodología de aprendizaje en la enseñanza superior” Marina Sancho López Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 2 “Estimando los resultados de los clickers en la evaluación” Maja Barac y Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Facultat d'Economia, UV. Presentation 3 “Influencia del uso de un Electronic Voting System en el rendimiento del alumnado” Vicenta Calvo Roselló, Mª Isabel López Rodríguez ETS Arquitectura, UPV y Facultat d'Economia, UV. Presentation 4 “Evolución del entorno virtual de aprendizaje” Isabel Fambuena Muedra Influencia Facultad de Físicas, UV. Presentation 5 “Kahoot en el aula, una herramienta para gamificar el aprendizaje” Esperanza Calvo Roselló IES El Cabanyal. Presentation 6 “Moodle: Una aplicación práctica de cuestionarios de evaluación en la asignatura de Fiscalidad de la Empresa” Alfredo Vicente Rubio Mataix, Concha Salvador Cifre Facultat d'Economia, UV. Session 2 Title Speakers From Presentation 7 “De la teoría a la práctica: Las Instituciones en directo” Fernando Hernández Guijarro i Lucía Aparico Chofré Facultad de Ciencia Jurídicas y Económicas, UJI y Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 8 “La formación de profesorado en metodologías activas y APS a través de la Red de innovación L’Hort- Ieducarts” Amparo Hurtado Soler y Ana Botella Nicolás Facultad de Magisterio, UV. Presentation 9 “Aprenentatge Servei (ApS): Innovació docent en Dret Constitucional i Ciència Política. Igualtat, participació i drets fonamentals” Rosa Roig y Vicenta Tasa Facultat de Dret, UV. Session 3 Title Speakers From Presentation 10 “Las nuevas tecnologías y votación electrónica en el taller de fuentes del Derecho” Lucía Aparicio Chofré, Ana Paz Garibo y Fernando Hernández Guijarro Facultat de Dret, UV y Facultad de Ciencia Jurídicas y Económicas, UJI. Presentation 11 “El uso de la radio universitaria online como herramienta docente” Juan M. Martínez Otero Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 12 “LyricsTraining en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera” Belén González Vidal Facultat de Filologia, UV. Session 4 Title Speakers From Presentation 13 “Desarrollo de competencias profesionales mediante la colaboración interdepartamental en trabajos fin de máster” Irene Comeig Ramírez, Alfredo Juan Grau Grau, Lucía Pinar García, Federico Ramírez López y Amalia Rodrigo González Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 14 “Diseño de cuestionarios online mediante Sporcle” Vicent Caballer Tarazona Facultat d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses, UPV. Presentation 15 “Aplicación de metodologías adaptativas en el Trabajo de Final de Grado. Uso de Agile y Kanban sobre Trello.com” Rafael Soler Muñoz y Jose Rodolfo Hernández-Carrión Estudios de Economía y Empresa, UOC y Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 16 “Trabajo de Fin de Grado: Materiales audiovisuales ante el reto impuesto por la docencia actual” Jose Rodolfo Hernández-Carrión, Rafael Soler Muñoz Facultat d’Economia, UV y Estudios de Economía y Empresa, UOC.
CLOSING: By Mrs. Vicenta Calvo Roselló from organizing committee.
Conference 2017
III JSVE 2017 - The new challenges of learning in higher education
General information
This is the third edition of the conference in educational innovation developed within this project. The aim of the conference is to present and spread different methodologies, guidelines and tools that incorporate innovation in higher education. This year we look for having an impact in the challenges that we confront to encourage the learning among students that are digital natives.
It is to highlight that, in addition to presenting and spreading different methodological experiences adopted by the teachers in front of the constant changes produced in the classrooms, the conference will include one Round Table where the students will expose his point of view on the repercussion that has the utilisation of these experiences and/or methodologies in his process of learning.
We think that the conference can be very useful for the university community, so we encourage people to assist and participate.
- When: Monday June 19, 2017 / 9:30 to 14:00 hours
- Where: The Manuel Sánchez Ayuso room of the Faculty of Economy (first flat).
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Educativa i Calidad Docente (DocenTIC): “EstadísTIC@ y MatemáTIC@s: elaboración de materiales interactivos para favorecer su aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado en la Facultat d'Economia.” (UV-SFPIE_GER16-418142)
Sessions attendance
The III JSVE are open to all the university community, although they are especially destined to the PDI and PAS. The assistance is free (price and access), but limited to the maximum capacity of the room. Therefore, if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 8th of June (Registration is limited to the room’s capacity). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and give you a snack during the pause-coffee.
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 5th of June. The communication of the acceptance of the works will be informed by 9th of June.
For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.
III JSVE 2017 photos
III JSVE 2017 videos
OPENING: By Mr. Ramón López Marín,vice dean of Educational Policies and Education Quality (UV), Dña. Mª Dolores Montagud Mascarell, vice dean of Quality (UV) and Isabel López Rodríguez from organizing committee.
Session 1 Title Speakers From Presentation 1 “Utilización de los clickers en las sesiones clínicas del practicum infantil en el grado de odontología de la Universitat de València” Vanessa Paredes Gallardo, Verónica García Sanz, Carlos Bellot Arcís, Filomena Estrela Sanchis, Juan Ignacio Aura Tormos, Natalia Zamora Martínez, Beatriz Tarazona Álvarez, Jose Luis Gandia Franco Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV. Presentation 2 “Aprendizaje y evaluación con clickers en Arquitectura” C. Lerma, Á. Mas, V. Blasco, E. Gil, J. Vercher ETS Arquitectura, UPV. Presentation 3 “Uso de la herramientas 'Socrative' en docencia presencial como elemento de ayuda para fomentar la participación” Ricardo Ferrís Castell, Ariadna Fuertes Seder, Francisco Grimaldo Moreno, Carlos Pérez Conde ETS d'Enginyeria, UV. Session 2 Title Speakers From Presentation 4 “El aprendizaje experiencial: Una experiencia práctica” Lucía Aparico Chofré, Carla De Paredes Gallardo, María Cristina Escamilla Robla, José María Quilez Moreno Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Europea de Valencia y Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 5 “Research-based learning en la Universidad: una experiencia de innovación docente en el ámbito de la Psicología de la Intervención Social y Comunitaria” Faraj A. Santirso, Manuel Martín-Fernández, Miriam Marco, Viviana Vargas, Marisol Lila y Enrique Gracia Facultat de Psicologia, UV. Presentation 6 “Aprendizaje de dirección estratégica a través de metodologías innovadoras: El papel clave de la capacidad de absorción de los estudiantes” Anabel Férnandez Mesa, Julia Olmos Peñuela, Ana García Granero, Víctor Oltra Comorera Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 7 “L`HORT/IEDUCARTS. Desde la renovación docente a la red de innovación” Amparo Hurtado Soler y Ana María Botella Nicolás Facultat de Magisteri, UV. Invited speaker Title Speaker From Invited speaker “El humor como herramienta esencial para el aprendizaje presencial y online” David Postigo Rodríguez Facultad de Filología, Univ. de Sevilla.
Session 3 Title Speakers From Presentation 8 “El aprendizaje de la sede electrónica de la Agencia Tributaria para el ejercicio profesional” Fernando Hernández Guijarro Facultat de Dret, UV. Presentation 9 “Fomentando la integración del alumno en el aula con Top Hat” Rafael Soler-Muñoz, Rodolfo Hernández-Carrión Escuela de empresarios, EDEM. Presentation 10 “MOOC’s: Cómo abordar con éxito asignaturas cuantitativas en el ámbito universitario” Mª Isabel López Rodríguez ,Trinidad Casasús, Antonia Ivars Escortell. Facultat d’Economia, UV. Special session Title Students Round table “Nuevos tiempos, ¿nuevas metodologías? El dictamen de los estudiantes” Ana Lleó Bono, GECO; Jorge Lucerga Soler, GIB; Sergio Navarro Palacios, ADE + Derecho; Alexandre Rickert Llácer, TADE; Borja Sansano Avaria, GIB.
Conference 2016
II JSVE 2016 - Use of TIC for university educational innovation
General information
This is the second edition of these conference sessions, comprised within Educational Innovation Project. The main goals of these sessions are two:
- To introduce and disseminate different methodologies using TIC in universitary teaching. Ultimate goal of this methodology is to improve quantitatively and qualitatively lessons given in the classroom, and also to develop its suitability to our times, a period based on knowledge, information and new technologies.
- To offer a Workshop for those people attending, about new electronic voting systems (or clickers) and Turning Point 5, the new version. This seminar intends to be an introduction to how operate 'clickers' and those people attending interested in knowing more about this tool will be able to sign up to a more comprehensive course. This course is still being organised and will start by July.
We really think that these sessions will be useful for all the university community, so we encourage people to come and participate.
- When: Monday 20th June 2016 / From 9:30h to 14:00h
- Where: Room Ignasi Villalonga was changed to Room Sáchez Ayuso at Facultat d’Economia (first floor).
- Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Educativa i Calidad Docente (DocenTIC): “EstadísTIC@ y MatemáTIC@s: elaboración de materiales interactivos para favorecer su aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado.” (UV-SFPIE_RMD15-314322)
Clickers introductory handbook
Sessions attendance
II JSVE are full free-access for all universitary community, though we especially encourage those from PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and PAS (Administration and Services Staff). Attendance is free (price and access) but limited to the maximum capacity of the room. Therefore, if you want to attend please fill in the next registration form deadline 10th June (Registration limited to room's capacity). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and give you a snack during break time.
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FILE file and submit it to jclickers@uv.es, deadline 10th June. Acceptance of works will be informed by 13th June.
For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the next slide template. The template includes all conference and institutional logos required.
II JSVE 2016 videos
- OPENING: By Mr. Ramón López Marín, vice dean of Educational Policies and Education Quality (UV) and M. Isabel López i Maja Barac from organizing committee.
Session 1 Title Speakers From Presentation 1 “Introducción de elementos innovadores en la docencia del Grupo ARA de Estadística I” Cristina Pardo-García Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 2 “Desarrollo y mejora del material docente multimedia en el practicum del Grado de Odontología. Nuestra experiencia tras dos proyectos de innovación educativa de la Universidad de Valencia.” Vanessa Paredes Gallardo, Beatriz Tarazona Álvarez, Natalia Zamora Martínez, Carlos Bellot Arcís, Filomena Estrela, J. Igancio Aura y J. Luis Gandía Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV. Presentation 3 “Elaboración de materiales compartidos por y para el alumnado e inclusión de actividades de gamificación en el aula.” Julia Olmos Peñuela, Anabel Fernández Mesa y Joaquín Alegre Vidal Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 4 “La utilización de los MOOC como herramienta docente y educativa en las Ciencias Sociales.” Lucía Aparicio Chofre Universidad Europea de Valencia. Session 2 Title Speakers From Presentation 5 “Mejora de los materiales docentes multimedia para el manejo de pacientes especiales en la práctica odontológica.” Esther Carramolino Cuéllar Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV. Presentation 6 “Hacia una renovación metodológica en la Educación Superior: IEDUCARTS y L’HORT 2.0” Amparo Hurtado Soler y Ana Mª Botella Nicolás Facultat de Magisteri, UV. Presentation 7 “Creación de productos y servicios innovadores de Turismo y Negocios Internacionales para el fomento del espíritu emprendedor en el aula de inglés para fines específicos” Beatriz Cerezo Merchán y Ana Sevilla Pavón Dep. de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, UV. Session 3 Title Speakers From Presentation 8 “La economía experimental en el marco de la educación superior. Un ejemplo de experimento en el aula.” Federico Ramírez López y Alfredo Juan Grau Grau Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 9 “Percepción de utilidad de una rúbrica como estrategia de evaluación y recurso para el aprendizaje en la asignatura de Psicometría: Un estudio piloto” Laura Galiana, María del Castillo Fuentes y Rafael García Ros Facultat de Psicologia, UV. Presentation 10 “El uso de los formularios en línea como herramienta para interactuar con los estudiantes: aplicaciones docentes y de gestión” Belén Garcia Cárceles, Mercedes Gumbau Albert, Antonio Marín García, José Manuel Pastor Monsálvez, Jorge Villagrasa Guarch Facultat d’Economia, UV. Taller Títol Ponents Procedència Taller “Clickers: descubriendo las ventajas de su uso en las aulas” Isabel López Rodríguez y Maja Barac Facultat d’Economia, UV.
Conference 2015
I JSVE 2015 - Conference on Electronic Votation Systems in University Teaching
General information
These sessions are organized within an educational innovation project. The main goal of these sessions is to disseminate the methodology and the results obtained in different applications of electronic voting systems (or clickers) in university teaching and also university management. There are several different uses, including student motivation, preparing multiple choice test, encouraging student participation while in classroom, even using it in the programme "Estudia en Facultat d'Economia" (Study at Faculty of Economy).
- When: Tuesday, July 14th 2015 / From 10h to 14h
- Where: Room 5P19 at Faculty of Economy.
- Organised by: Projecte d'Innovació Educativa i Qualitat Docent (DocenTIC): “EstadísTIC@ i MatemáTIC@s: elaboració de materials interactius per a afavorir el seu aprenentatge i avaluació en els estudis de grau.” UV‐SFPIE_DOTZE14‐221882
Sessions attendance
JSVE are free entrance for all university community, even though we especially encourage members from PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and PAS (Administration and Services Staff). Attendance is free (price and access), but limited to the room's maximum capacity. So if you are willing to attend, an INSCRIPTION is requested and will be send to jclickers@uv.es, deadline July 10th. This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and give you a snack during break time.
Submission of presentations
To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding file and submit it to jclickers@uv.es, deadline July 7th. Acceptance of the work will be immediately communicated.
User's manual
JSVE 2015 videos
- OPENING: By Ms. Mª Dolores Monteagud Mascarell, vice dean of Quality and by Ms. Margarita García Sanchis, representative of Permanent Training Service and Educational Innovation (SFPIE) of Universitat de València.
Presentation Title Presenter From Presentation 1 “Máster-Click: un ingrediente interesante en la enseñanza” Antonia Ivars Escortell, Isabel López Rodríguez y Félix Ruiz Ponce Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 2 “Clickers: una buena práctica de autoevaluación” María Dolores Sancerni Beitia Facultat de Psicologia, UV. Presentation 3 “Los Clickers aplicados a las actividades de la Facultat d´Economia: objetivos, ventajas y beneficios” Fina Atienza Gallego y Antonio Marín García Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 4 “Nuestra experiencia con el uso de clickers en la docencia de la patología y la terapéutica dentales” Leopoldo Forner Navarro y Mª Carmen Llena Puy Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV. Presentation 5 “Mejorando la comprensión de conceptos complejos mediante el uso de los clickers”, Maja Barac Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 6 “Pool of knowledge for management courses” Julia Olmos Peñuela y Ana Isabel Fernández Mesa Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 7 “Uso de los clickers en las clases de matemáticas” Trinidad Casasús Estellés Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 8 “Aplicación de los clickers a la evaluación continua en estadística” María Caballer Tarazona y Cristina Pardo García Facultat d’Economia, UV. Presentation 9 “Zapeando en clase: ¿es posible aprender y divertirse con un click?” Rosa García Lopera, Luís E. Ochando Gómez y Rosendo Pou Amérigo Facultat de Química, UV.
CLOSING: By Mr. Ramón López Marín, vice rector of Polítiques de Formació i Qualitat Educativa of Universitat de València.