Ferramentes Docents
mUVies or Virtual University Materials for Research and Education are integrated within a system of generation and creation of multimedia educational content prepared by SFPIE technicians which are used as teaching support resources.
The resources that can be produced are educational mUVies, which offer the teacher a variety of formats suitable for the contents of their subjects (theoretical examples, practical applications, procedural content, participation of students), mUVie lecture for didactic purpose or teaching innovation, and Videoconferences, both in UVD 2.0 Classrooms in SFPIE, or virtual conference or meeting rooms.
The production of mUVie resources is carried out at teacher's request, either through a service request or in the context of an Educational Innovation Project. The teacher will decide the subject and format and provide those additional resources (slides, images) that he considers necessary to be included in the mUVie. Our technicians provide their experience in the preparation, recording, production and assembly of these educational resources, giving advice to the teacher in those points that need it.
mUVie resources produced by SFPIE are made available to students and the whole university community through MMedia and are licensed under Creative Commons.
More information here
Camtasia Studio is a program designed for screen recording and video editing. This way you can easily create multimedia animations with interactive capabilities, compared with traditional video/animation editing/creation tools. (Fernández-Quijada y Bonet, 2009).
Fernández-Quijada, D., & Bonet, M. (2009). Camtasia Studio, creación de animaciones multimedia educativas. @Tic. Revista D'innovació Educativa, 0(3), 137-140. doi:10.7203/attic.3.138
More information here
An interactive voting system with various capabilities, including: tracking students’ attendance, evaluating the knowledge from previous classes, giving feedback during the different classes.
The use of this tool is really simple for the professor and for the student. Thus, programming necessary to be implemented is already in PowerPoint, so the professor can prepare the slides easily, selecting the questions to be presented to the students, without worrying for programming.
Once opened the voting, students will use remote controllers to choose the answer they think is correct. After a time decided by the professor, voting will be closed and in the same slide two kinds of information will be shown: students’ percentage choosing each answer and also the correct answer.
This way, the professor will be able to know if there is something students couldn't understand properly, and take actions to fix it.
Also, there is the possibility of keeping data from this session and obtain an Excel with all the data generated in the session.
More information here
Open Course Ware from Universitat de València is acfree-access data repository for teaching materials from the current study courses. OCW-UV office was established in July 2008, and the first subjects can be found since December 2008.
Platform used for OCW is EduCommons, allowing a unified arrangement with OCW from the rest of the participating universities from the International Consortium. OCW users could be:
- students from the same university, supplementing the materials delivered by his/her university
- self-taught students, from other universities, or future students willing to know how classes at UV look like;
- professors from different institutions in charge of similar subjects
OCW courses from Universitat de València are filled with images from the university's own cultural heritage.
With "Visió del Contingut" (Contents view) icon you can download a text-formatted version, using it will allow people to easily reuse and reassemble different materials, as long as licence restrictions are met.
On Universia-OCW website you can access to all the institutions from Latin America OCW, where you will find subjects and materials of interest. Creative Commons Licence on this website is only applicable to materials made by UV members who shared them for publishing.
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