UTBI: Under The Background Influence




Previous research

The space environment, which has no atmosphere, is exposed to much more radiation than the Earth’s surface. Only the aluminium hull prevents some radiation to get into the ISS. Part of the radiation passes through or interacts with the hull creating secondary particles inside the module. We are using software simulations in order to know the result of these interactions. The interests of this research are two factors that affect the detector’s design:

  • Maximum bearable energy. The detector must be able to resist the maximum energies that exist inside the ISS.
  • Calibration. Knowing the energy range inside the ISS will make possible to calibrate it more accurately.

Not all the modules that constitute the ISS have the same characteristics. Each module may vary its orientation or its hull thickness. Hence, the election of the module will affect data. Before setting up the simulations, we are deciding which module would do its best on the experiment. This will provide more detailed simulations.

The software used for simulation is Geant4 which allows us to know the result of interactions between radiation and particles. Having radiation data from the outside of the ISS and knowing the materials that compose the hull it is possible to estimate the particle fluxes inside the module.

It is also possible to simulate the detector being exposed to the resultant fluxes from the first interaction with the hull. This is interesting because it allows us to know how the detector acts when it’s covered with other materials. This can help in the design of the detector hull.


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