Fonètica i Fonologia Catalanes: Anuncis
Servei de la Universitat de València

Phonetics an Phonology in Iberia, Braga 2007

PAPI 2007 welcomes the submission of abstracts on any area of phonetics and phonology. In recent years, experimental approaches and data evaluation have been crucial in the process of answering many controversial issues within phonological theory. Studies in phonetics that can significantly contribute to enhance our knowledge of phonology and studies in phonology that crucially resort to phonetics and corpora analysis are especially welcome. Preference will be given to cross-linguistic comparisons and contributions on Romance languages and dialects.

Abstract guidelines

Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed one page of text (examples included). An extra page may be added for references and/or figures. Font: Times New Roman, 12pt; Line spacing: single.

One copy of the abstract must be sent anonymously and another one with the author's name(s), e-mail address(es), and affiliation(s). In the latter, the first line of the abstract should contain the title of the paper in boldface, the second line the author's name(s), the third line the affiliation(s) and the fourth line the e-mail address(es). A blank line should be left between the title lines and the abstract text,

Submissions should be sent both electronically (Word or PDF format; PDF is required if the abstract contains special fonts/symbols or figures) and by regular mail to the following addresses:

    regular mail: PAPI 2007
    Centro de Estudos Humanísticos
    Universidade do Minho
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710-057 Braga, PORTUGAL

Deadline for abstract submission: March 15, 2007
