Grupo de Procesado y Diseño Digitales

Server of remote electronic practices on the Internet

Starting date: 2009

Ending date: 2011


To access with a web browser to a "portal" where, once authenticated either on the virtual wing or with username input and password, students have access to the use of a remote hardware that allows the realization of differents pratices likewise they were physically present before the hardware in question.

The main objectives of this project are:

1. To Design a practical server. The system is supported by a web server that liaises with the hardware to be controlled. This server needs to be continually uploaded to incorporate more functionalities and improved safety aspects before hacking, improving access to web pages, graphic design, logging, etc.. to provide a single entry website, attractive, efficient and safe.

2. To Incorporate communication skills with the teacher to send using reports (statistics) automatically or on-demand, self-assessment results of students who have completed the practices or students reports for evaluation by the teacher, ect. This section should be designed carefully, because there are many possibilities and wishes of each teacher can change, so it would be interesting to make an environment where each teacher could decide what information they want to receive for each practices.

3. Incorporating new practices for a robot arm, including more practices to realise, just like the inclusion of more information on possible uses and free exercises that the student can do..

