The Web Oriented Database
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6.003 (September 2005) validated HTML code, DOCTYPE, small fixes

# - generates DOCTYPE tag that can be overriden with new setting doctype
# - WARNING: this may change how your format is interpreted, pages may look different; if in trouble, set to <!-- DOCTYPE -->
# - HTML 4.01 compatibility ... checked for most frequent pages ... could be issues left over on other pages
# - WARNING - potential errors introduced becuase of rewriting of search=italy&format=DEFAULT to search=italy&amp;format=DEFAULT as well as a zillion HREF=x to HREF="x", ACTION=x TO ACTION="x"
# - added link to login record from LoginForm and AboutUser pages
# - handling of robots ... only TOC is at /robots/ ... the rest is dynamic
# - fixed a bug in recAll ... now returns undeleted records only
# - form display - mandatory and optional fields sharding bug corrected
# - fixed handling _id during password recovery (_ids that are usenames must be fixID-ed as well
# - fixed and improved RSS gandling
# - bug ... if database has a title field the printHead takes it as title
# - the /Html security problem fixed.

4.522 (November 2004) RSS feeds, users who showed this record also ...

- Fix: the /Html security problem.
- The submit section in data entry form has A NAME=SUBMIT
- Fields that will be validated are marked so in forms
- _from data (who last modified a record) is hidden by default.
- in advanced search forms ... the default format is DEFAULT
- dot changed to _ in ids ... may cause huge problems if ids are like ziga.turk@command.com
- interface to full text searching with swish
- WBB{similar} setting to display info like "users who put this into basket also put into basket" ... "users who showed this record also showed" ...
- RSS feeds using search?format=RSS

4.500 (December 2003) New Code Layout, Rich Text Editing, Office 2003 Support

# UPDATED: Admin's Manual
# FIXED: Removed -U option with sendmail; improved diagnostics
# CHANGED: support file layout ... icons at URL /woda/icons/default, javascript at /woda
# CHANGED: program file layout
# NEW: WBB{ownerGroup} defines a group with same right in a record as admin
# NEW: WBB{userMenuOther} replaces $SCRIPT with correct value
# NEW: woda can act as a server for the Office 2003 Research Task Pane function. See /Office function.
# NEW: woda is described in WSDL; a host of XML functions available. See below.
# WBB{provider}, WBB{license} and WBB{category} parameters for the above
# NEW: WBB{formatHttpHead1} defines that the user defined format #1 is ouput with a special HTTP header; typically content-type. Terminated by single newline!
# NEW: noform=1 CGI parameter for /Search pages ... prevents that the search form is displayed
# NEW: WBB{'title;Home'} defines a new text for the title of the page /Home ... same goes for any other /Page
# NEW: /Anyfunction?title=New+title will override the title for that page from calling URL
# NEW: &URL function returns URL of related table
# NEW: rich text editing for HTMLAREAs (IE 5.5, Mozilla 1.4) ... if their type par is 'RICH'
# FIX: Handling of " in values of option fields
# HTTP Error Handling ... must write docs about it
# WARNING: changed interpretation of WBB{tables} slightly
# should be backward compatibe
# NEW: built in group 'client' who has access to cgiX functions
# NEW: cgi functions Xget, Xput, XputMany, Xsearch ... allowed from local host only
# relational features are now expanded across several servers
# and may use http as a last resort
# NEW: API function GET to get %rec from a related table (uses http)
# new API function PUT to put a %rec into a (related) table (uses http)
# NEW: ROWS can use http to get related data
# NEW: QRY uses http, not command line, always
# NEW: FLD can use http
# NEW: IDS can use http
# NEW: KEY can use http
# FIX: use of login vouchers was broken
# fetchPage renamed to httpGet

4.310 (August 2003) Multiuser editing, robot unfriendy email addresses, several small goodies

4.300 (February 2003) CSS based formatting, several features for the admin

4.260 (June 2002) Saving, restoring forms, sendmail replaced by socket connection to smtp server

4.250 (May 2002) maybe Perl maybe text, better data management, several new settings

For the administrator:

Changes related to handling of binary attachments:

Entry forms:



4.200 (January 2002) Faster and better support for relational applications, XML, login and may other new features

4.151 Some old and new bugs are fixed; thanks to Xavier and others.

4.150 Painted search results, record locking, URL rights, templates and much more

This is a rather major new release with several new features. The only reson it is not called 4.200 is that there a few more goodies planned.

4.107 Fixes, searching new records, cleaning of _qry, next, previous record (March 2001)

4.105 Modified handling of logins, format of dates, Angie

4.104 Fixes (January 2001).

A number of fixes including:

4.100 Version 4 finally released (January 2001).

Version 4 includes major changes to the WODA engine and the way it lays out the data on the hard disk.Some 30% of version 3 code was rewritten and just as much added. Most of the changes are not visible on the surface, however, they enable future growth of Woda and use in services such as "www.rent-a-db.com". Code needed for that is not freely available and neither does the license allow you to use Woda for services like that.

Migration towards version 4 should occur automatically, however, database administrators are urged to verify if all went OK.

4.000 not publicly released (spring 2000)

3.505 Last, very stable release of 3rd generation (January 2000)

3.504 Y2K, freedom with input forms (December 1999)

3.500 Y2K problem fixed, show HTML via WODA, handling of keys (November 1999)



3.400 Much more freedom in formatting records and pages (September 24, 1999)

3.305 User based ownership of records, fixes (September 6, 1999)

3.303 Installation procedure (July 23, 1999)

3.302 Improved hierarchical browsing, fixes (July 14, 1999)

3.301 Shopping basket, hierarchical browsing, Windows compatibility (July 7, 1999)

3.210 Security fix, visual enhancements (April 1999)

3.202 MOD_PERL compatibility, faster searching with grep (January 1999)

3.1r4 Fixes, Explorer bugs, JavaScript (November 1998)


3.1r1 CONTINUE typePar, fixes (July 1998)

3.1r0 Home Page, Modify Structure (June 1998)

3.0r1 Handling Users, JavaScript, Styles, Automatic Maintenance (May 1998)


2.8r3 Improved support for relational features (December 1997)

2.7r0 Support for rings of Web pages (November 1997)

2.6r3 Create from data, check directory permissions

2.6r2 Fixes

2.6r1 Less Perl overhead, A-Z Index, record filtering, different distribution (September 1997)



2.5r0 Browse features, frames, access counter (May 1997)

2.3r1 Field search, new request format (March 1997)

2.3r0 Expression search, serial email (February 1997)

2.2r1 Alternative URL calling convention, search tips (January 1997)

2.2r0 Some relational features, robots' playground, WODA icon (December 1996)

2.1r0 Renamed to WODA, Software Agent, Better International Support

New in 2.0r9 (November 1996)

New in 2.0r8

New in 2.0r7

New in 2.0r6

New in 2.0r4

New in 2.0r3

New in 2.0r2

New in version 2.0:

Woda has been under development since 1995. Records of previous releases are lost.

 WODA: the database tool for the World Wide Web
March 3, 2009