
This project could be applied to any subject taught at the University although we focus in this first year, the domain of web applications, because they are in those with a greater presence of teachers who belong to this group innovation, and also by the fact that the proposed technologies are directly related to its objectives: a) "Aplicaciones Web Avanzdas", (AWA, 34691) 4th year, which simultaneously teaches students from 3 distinct grades: Computer Sciences Engineering, Telematics Engineering and Multimedia Engineering. This course will allow us to apply the innovation project with students on a different profile and training, allowing the assessment of the project results, the performance of a comparison between them. The total number of students will be in a set of 70 b) Servicios Web y Web Semántica (SWWS, 43966), which is taught in the Master of Engineering Services and Web Applications. This course will allow us to apply the innovation project on a typology diametrically opposed to that of subject AWA (students against students master grade) students, which we it possible to assess the differences and similarities of the results obtained in the implementation of the innovation project. Students in this subject will be among a range of 10 and 25 clarify that the implementation of this project to other subjects not related to technologies used, however require more effort. As we discuss the implementation of collaborative learning, the impact on the student will be complete. Furthermore, the fact that students have to use web 2.0 technologies and 3.0 to collect the knowledge generated in the course fits fully with the definition of ESTIC groups because we small groups of students, whose web resources can be used as digital learning objects available to the other students, who can use them as support for their acquisition knowledge, encouraging independent learning, and in turn, also allows other students to evaluate these objects and suggest improvements and corrections thereof, which puts us in a collaborative learning environment more than the own group that developed the application. That is, the adoption of a new collaborative models of learning and study is encouraged, and allowed assess the skills and abilities of students.
