Papers sent to the journal are peer reviewed. The submission deadline is 31 May.
Papers in Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, French, Italian, German and English are welcome. Papers must not exceed 6,000 words (including footnotes); if you wish to submit a longer paper, please contact the editors in advance. Proposals must be sent in digital format, Word, RTF and PDF to the following e-mail address: tycho@uv.es. Proposals should include the following information: the full title of the paper, the name of author(s), a contact e-mail address and the academic affiliation of the autor(s) and supervisor (s). Guidelines:
- Please use Times New Roman Font for your papers; any Greek should be in a Unicode font. The body of the text should be in 12 pt and double-spaced. Footnotes should be in 10 pt and single-spaced. If you need to use any special font type please contact the editor.
- At the beginning of the article itself there should be an abstract (200-250 words) and a maximum of 6 keywords in the original language of the article and in English. If your paper is originally written in English, the abstract and the keywords should be in English and Spanish. A table of contents must be added before the body of the article.
- Section headings should be numbered in Arabic: i.e. 4. Conclusions. The section headings (1, 2, 3...) must be in bold typeface and subheadings (1.1, 1.2, 1.3...) in italics.
- The use of images, figures and artwork should be justified and support the content of the paper. Individual authors are responsible for securing copyright clearance if their paper contains substantial quotations or graphical/illustrative material.
- Greek and Latin texts should follow the usual academic critical editions (OCT, Budé, Teubner, etc.).
- Bibliographical references should follow either the author-date or the author-title systems.
- Author-date system:
- Quotation notes
- Aílion (1983: 146)
- Oller Guzmán (2007: 73)
- Gil Fernández (2002: 57-159)
- Reference list:
- Aílion, R. (1983). Éuripide héritier d'Eschyle. I. Paris.
- Oller Guzmán, M. (2007). «Matar al huésped en la Hécuba de Eurípides», Faventia 29/1, pp. 59-75.
- L. Gil Fernández, «El humanismo valenciano del siglo XVI», en José Mª Maestre, J. Pascual & L. Charlo (eds.), Humanismo y Perviviencia del Mundo Clásico. Homenaje al profesor Antonio Fontán, vol. III.1, Alcañiz-Madrid, 2002, pp. 57-159.
- Quotation notes
- Author-title system:
- Quotation notes:
- R. Aílion, Éuripide héritier d'Eschyle, I, Paris, 1983, p. 146.
- M. Oller Guzmán, «Matar al huésped en la Hécuba de Eurípdies», Faventia 29/1, 2007, pp. 59-75, aquí p. 73.
- L. Gil Fernández, «El humanismo valenciano del siglo XVI», en José Mª Maestre, J. Pascual & L. Charlo (eds.), Humanismo y Perviviencia del Mundo Clásico. Homenaje al profesor Antonio Fontán, vol. III.1, Alcañiz-Madrid, 2002, pp. 57-159.
- From the second quotation of the same reference onwards op. cit., art. cit. should be used.
- No reference list.
- Quotation notes:
- Abbreviations for journals should follow L'Année Philologique.
- Electronic sources:
- Reynols, J., Roueché, Ch. Y Bodard, G., Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (Iaph2007), <hrrp://insaph.kcl. ac.uk/iaph2007> (07/09/2010)
- Author-date system:
Proposals should include the following information: the full title of the paper, the name of author(s), a contact e-mail address and the academic affiliation of the autor(s) and supervisor (s). Additionally, it should be indicated if the paper is the result of the research done for a Final Dissertation Project, a Masters Degree or equivalent.