IRS Sustainability Studies

The Postcarbon team

The Postcarbon project is being carried out by an international, inter-universities and interdisciplinary research team which has consolidated itself after an enduring practice of cooperation and joint work. The scientific collaboration between the different senior and junior researchers which are engaged in the team has been stable and continuous since 2006, through several joint research projects and other scientific initiatives. The complementary character of their respective trainings and academic contexts has been productive in the past and we hope that they will also be productive this time. Coming from three different geographic sites, the members of the team have a rich background in environment & society issues, a research field which has been object of their activity for years, sometimes for many years.


University of Barcelona. Department of Sociological Theory, Philosophy of Law and Methodology of the Social Sciences

    • Joaquim Sempere, professor emeritus
      Jesús Vicens, full lecturer
      Àngels Canadell, associate lecturer
      Víctor Climent, full lecturer

University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. CETCOPRA (Centre d'Étude des Techniques, des Connaissances et des Pratiques)./

    • Alain Gras, professor emeritus, socio-anthropologist
      Laurence Raineau, maître des conférences
      Aurélien Cohen, researcher, philosopher

University of Valencia. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. Interdisciplinary Research Structure on Sustainability Studies.

    • Ignacio Lerma Montero, university school professor
      Mercedes Martínez Iglesias, researcher, sociologist
      Ernest Garcia, professor, coordinator of the Postcarbon project.

Previous work

Here is the highlight of the more significant published work by team's members on issues directly related to the sociological dimensions of the transition(s) towards post-carbon society(ies):

Gras, A. (2003): Fragilité de la puissance: se libérer de l'emprise technologique. Paris, Fayard.

Gras, A. (2007): Le choix du feu: Aux origines de la crise climatique. Paris, Fayard.

Gras, A. (ed.) (2007): Décroissance et Technique. Entropia-Revue d'ètude théorique et politique de la décroissance, nº 3, pp. 3-185.

Gras, A. (ed.) (2013): Apocalypses: Imaginaires de la fin du monde. (Socio-Anthropologie 28). Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne.

Sempere, J. (ed.) (2008): El final de la era del petróleo barato. Barcelona, Icaria.

Sempere, J. (2009): Mejor con menos: necesidades, explosión consumista y crisis ecológica. Barcelona, Crítica.

Sempere, J.; Martínez Iglesias, M & E. Garcia (2007): "Ciencia, movimientos ciudadanos y conflictos socioecológicos". Cuadernos Bakeaz, nº 79, pp. 1-18.

Canadell, A. & J. Vicens (2010): Habitar la ciudad. Madrid, Miraguano.

Poirot-Delpech, S. & L. Raineau (ed.) (2012): Pour une socio-anthropologie de l'environnement (2 vols.). Paris, L'Harmattan.

Martinez-Iglesias, M. & E. Garcia (2011): "La décroissance: le changement social au-delà des limites de la planète". In Abraham, Y.M.; Marion, L. & H. Philippe (ed.): Décroissance versus développement durable: Débats pour la suite du monde. Montréal, Écosociété, pp. 187-203

Martínez Iglesias, M.; Lerma Montero, I. & E. Garcia (2008): "Política medioambiental y participación ciudadana". CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, nº 61, pp. 179-205.

Garcia (1999): El trampolín fáustico: Ciencia, mito y poder en el desarrollo sostenible. Valencia, Tilde.

Garcia, E. (2004): Medio ambiente y sociedad: La civilización industrial y los límites del planeta. Madrid, Alianza Editorial.

All these books and articles discuss significant features of social conflicts and processes of social change that point to forms of social organization less dependent of fossil fuels.
