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[<][<=][=>]Pandoc User's Guide

    Using pandoc
    Creating a PDF
    General options
    Reader options
    General writer options
    Options affecting specific writers
    Math rendering in HTML
    Options for wrapper scripts
Pandoc’s markdown
        Setext-style headers
        Atx-style headers
        Header identifiers in HTML, LaTeX, and ConTeXt
    Block quotations
    Verbatim (code) blocks
        Indented code blocks
        Delimited code blocks
        Bullet lists
        The four-space rule
        Ordered lists
        Definition lists
        Numbered example lists
        Compact and loose lists
        Ending a list
    Horizontal rules
    Title block
    Backslash escapes
    Smart punctuation
    Inline formatting
        Superscripts and subscripts
    Raw HTML
    Raw TeX
        Automatic links
        Inline links
        Reference links
        Internal links
        Pictures with captions
Producing slide shows with Pandoc
    Structuring the slide show
    Incremental lists
    Styling the slides
Literate Haskell support


W decoration


Pandoc extension.

Pandoc can automatically generate citations and a bibliography in a number of styles (using Andrea Rossato’s hs-citeproc). In order to use this feature, you will need a bibliographic database in one of the following formats:

Format File extension
MODS .mods
BibTeX/BibLaTeX .bib
RIS .ris
EndNote .enl
EndNote XML .xml
ISI .wos
MEDLINE .medline
Copac .copac
JSON citeproc .json

You will need to specify the bibliography file using the --bibliography command-line option (which may be repeated if you have several bibliographies).

By default, pandoc will use a Chicago author-date format for citations and references. To use another style, you will need to use the --csl option to specify a CSL 1.0 style file. A primer on creating and modifying CSL styles can be found at http://citationstyles.org/downloads/primer.html. A repository of CSL styles can be found at https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles. See also http://zotero.org/styles for easy browsing.

Citations go inside square brackets and are separated by semicolons. Each citation must have a key, composed of ‘@’ + the citation identifier from the database, and may optionally have a prefix, a locator, and a suffix. Here are some examples:

Blah blah [see @doe99, pp. 33-35; also @smith04, ch. 1].

Blah blah [@doe99, pp. 33-35, 38-39 and *passim*].

Blah blah [@smith04; @doe99].

A minus sign (-) before the @ will suppress mention of the author in the citation. This can be useful when the author is already mentioned in the text:

Smith says blah [-@smith04].

You can also write an in-text citation, as follows:

@smith04 says blah.

@smith04 [p. 33] says blah.

If the style calls for a list of works cited, it will be placed at the end of the document. Normally, you will want to end your document with an appropriate header:

last paragraph...

# References

The bibliography will be inserted after this header.


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