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MultiMarkdown v6 Demo

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First, take a look at the overall structure of the document. At the very beginning is metadata, including a title, author, keywords, copyright information, etc. Where possible, this metadata is put to appropriate use, otherwise it is stored in a format designed to be easily read and minimally distracting:

  • In plain text and XHTML snippets1, it is located at the top of the document.

  • In a full XHTML document, is located in the <head> section, and the title and CSS metadata, if present, are used appropriately.

  • In a PDF generated from my XSLT files, metadata is used to generate the appropriate fields (title, author, keywords) in the PDF itself. Some PDF readers will let you examine this data. Additionally, the title, subtitle, author, and copyright are placed at the beginning of the document.

  • In a Scrivener document, you can put the metadata in the first File in the Binder, but the preferred location is in the "MultiMarkdown Settings..." pane (in the File Menu.)

There are a lot of standard metadata keys that can be used, or you can create your own and use them as you see fit. Definitely a powerful feature.


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