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[<][<=][=>]Pandoc User's Guide

    Using pandoc
    Specifying formats
    Character encoding
    Creating a PDF
    Reading from the Web
    General options
    Reader options
    General writer options
    Options affecting specific writers
    Citation rendering
    Math rendering in HTML
    Options for wrapper scripts
    Metadata variables
    Language variables
    Variables for HTML slides
    Variables for Beamer slides
    Variables for LaTeX
        Front matter
        BibLaTeX Bibliographies
    Variables for ConTeXt
    Variables for wkhtmltopdf
    Variables for man pages
    Variables for ms
    Structural variables
    Using variables in templates
            Extension: smart
    Headings and sections
            Extension: auto_identifiers
            Extension: ascii_identifiers
            Extension: gfm_auto_identifiers
    Math Input
    Raw HTML/TeX
            Extension: raw_html
            Extension: raw_tex
            Extension: native_divs
            Extension: native_spans
    Literate Haskell support
            Extension: literate_haskell
    Other extensions
            Extension: empty_paragraphs
            Extension: styles
            Extension: amuse
            Extension: citations
            Extension: ntb
Pandoc’s Markdown
            Extension: escaped_line_breaks
        Setext-style headings
        ATX-style headings
            Extension: blank_before_header
            Extension: space_in_atx_header
        Heading identifiers
            Extension: header_attributes
            Extension: implicit_header_references
    Block quotations
            Extension: blank_before_blockquote
    Verbatim (code) blocks
        Indented code blocks
        Fenced code blocks
            Extension: fenced_code_blocks
            Extension: backtick_code_blocks
            Extension: fenced_code_attributes
    Line blocks
            Extension: line_blocks
        Bullet lists
        Block content in list items
        Ordered lists
            Extension: fancy_lists
            Extension: startnum
            Extension: task_lists
        Definition lists
            Extension: definition_lists
        Numbered example lists
            Extension: example_lists
        Compact and loose lists
        Ending a list
    Horizontal rules
            Extension: table_captions
            Extension: simple_tables
            Extension: multiline_tables
            Extension: grid_tables
                Grid Table Limitations
            Extension: pipe_tables
    Metadata blocks
            Extension: pandoc_title_block
            Extension: yaml_metadata_block
    Backslash escapes
            Extension: all_symbols_escapable
    Inline formatting
            Extension: intraword_underscores
            Extension: strikeout
        Superscripts and subscripts
            Extension: superscript, subscript
            Extension: inline_code_attributes
        Small caps
            Extension: tex_math_dollars
    Raw HTML
            Extension: raw_html
            Extension: markdown_in_html_blocks
            Extension: native_divs
            Extension: native_spans
            Extension: raw_tex
        Generic raw attribute
            Extension: raw_attribute
    LaTeX macros
            Extension: latex_macros
        Automatic links
        Inline links
        Reference links
            Extension: shortcut_reference_links
        Internal links
            Extension: implicit_figures
            Extension: link_attributes
    Divs and Spans
            Extension: fenced_divs
            Extension: bracketed_spans
            Extension: footnotes
            Extension: inline_notes
            Extension: citations
    Non-pandoc extensions
            Extension: old_dashes
            Extension: angle_brackets_escapable
            Extension: lists_without_preceding_blankline
            Extension: four_space_rule
            Extension: spaced_reference_links
            Extension: hard_line_breaks
            Extension: ignore_line_breaks
            Extension: east_asian_line_breaks
            Extension: emoji
            Extension: tex_math_single_backslash
            Extension: tex_math_double_backslash
            Extension: markdown_attribute
            Extension: mmd_title_block
            Extension: abbreviations
            Extension: autolink_bare_uris
            Extension: mmd_link_attributes
            Extension: mmd_header_identifiers
            Extension: compact_definition_lists
    Markdown variants
Producing slide shows with pandoc
    Structuring the slide show
    Incremental lists
    Inserting pauses
    Styling the slides
    Speaker notes
    Frame attributes in beamer
    Background in reveal.js and beamer
Creating EPUBs with pandoc
    EPUB Metadata
    The epub:type attribute
    Linked media
Creating Jupyter notebooks with pandoc
Syntax highlighting
Custom Styles
Custom writers
A note on security


W decoration


Bullet lists

A bullet list is a list of bulleted list items. A bulleted list item begins with a bullet (*, +, or -). Here is a simple example:

* one
* two
* three

This will produce a “compact” list. If you want a “loose” list, in which each item is formatted as a paragraph, put spaces between the items:

* one

* two

* three

The bullets need not be flush with the left margin; they may be indented one, two, or three spaces. The bullet must be followed by whitespace.

List items look best if subsequent lines are flush with the first line (after the bullet):

* here is my first
  list item.
* and my second.

But Markdown also allows a “lazy” format:

* here is my first
list item.
* and my second.

Block content in list items

A list item may contain multiple paragraphs and other block-level content. However, subsequent paragraphs must be preceded by a blank line and indented to line up with the first non-space content after the list marker.

  * First paragraph.


  * Second paragraph. With a code block, which must be indented
    eight spaces:

        { code }

Exception: if the list marker is followed by an indented code block, which must begin 5 spaces after the list marker, then subsequent paragraphs must begin two columns after the last character of the list marker:

*     code

  continuation paragraph

List items may include other lists. In this case the preceding blank line is optional. The nested list must be indented to line up with the first non-space character after the list marker of the containing list item.

* fruits
  + apples
    - macintosh
    - red delicious
  + pears
  + peaches
* vegetables
  + broccoli
  + chard

As noted above, Markdown allows you to write list items “lazily,” instead of indenting continuation lines. However, if there are multiple paragraphs or other blocks in a list item, the first line of each must be indented.

+ A lazy, lazy, list

+ Another one; this looks
bad but is legal.

    Second paragraph of second
list item.

Ordered lists

Ordered lists work just like bulleted lists, except that the items begin with enumerators rather than bullets.

In standard Markdown, enumerators are decimal numbers followed by a period and a space. The numbers themselves are ignored, so there is no difference between this list:

1.  one
2.  two
3.  three

and this one:

5.  one
7.  two
1.  three

Extension: fancy_lists

Unlike standard Markdown, pandoc allows ordered list items to be marked with uppercase and lowercase letters and roman numerals, in addition to Arabic numerals. List markers may be enclosed in parentheses or followed by a single right-parentheses or period. They must be separated from the text that follows by at least one space, and, if the list marker is a capital letter with a period, by at least two spaces.1

The fancy_lists extension also allows ‘#’ to be used as an ordered list marker in place of a numeral:

#. one
#. two

Extension: startnum

Pandoc also pays attention to the type of list marker used, and to the starting number, and both of these are preserved where possible in the output format. Thus, the following yields a list with numbers followed by a single parenthesis, starting with 9, and a sublist with lowercase roman numerals:

 9)  Ninth
10)  Tenth
11)  Eleventh
       i. subone
      ii. subtwo
     iii. subthree

Pandoc will start a new list each time a different type of list marker is used. So, the following will create three lists:

(2) Two
(5) Three
1.  Four
*   Five

If default list markers are desired, use #.:

#.  one
#.  two
#.  three

Extension: task_lists

Pandoc supports task lists, using the syntax of GitHub-Flavored Markdown.

- [ ] an unchecked task list item
- [x] checked item

Definition lists

Extension: definition_lists

Pandoc supports definition lists, using the syntax of PHP Markdown Extra with some extensions.2

Term 1

:   Definition 1

Term 2 with *inline markup*

:   Definition 2

        { some code, part of Definition 2 }

    Third paragraph of definition 2.

Each term must fit on one line, which may optionally be followed by a blank line, and must be followed by one or more definitions. A definition begins with a colon or tilde, which may be indented one or two spaces.

A term may have multiple definitions, and each definition may consist of one or more block elements (paragraph, code block, list, etc.), each indented four spaces or one tab stop. The body of the definition (including the first line, aside from the colon or tilde) should be indented four spaces. However, as with other Markdown lists, you can “lazily” omit indentation except at the beginning of a paragraph or other block element:

Term 1

:   Definition
with lazy continuation.

    Second paragraph of the definition.

If you leave space before the definition (as in the example above), the text of the definition will be treated as a paragraph. In some output formats, this will mean greater spacing between term/definition pairs. For a more compact definition list, omit the space before the definition:

Term 1
  ~ Definition 1

Term 2
  ~ Definition 2a
  ~ Definition 2b

Note that space between items in a definition list is required. (A variant that loosens this requirement, but disallows “lazy” hard wrapping, can be activated with compact_definition_lists: see Non-pandoc extensions, below.)

Numbered example lists

Extension: example_lists

The special list marker @ can be used for sequentially numbered examples. The first list item with a @ marker will be numbered ‘1’, the next ‘2’, and so on, throughout the document. The numbered examples need not occur in a single list; each new list using @ will take up where the last stopped. So, for example:

(@)  My first example will be numbered (1).
(@)  My second example will be numbered (2).

Explanation of examples.

(@)  My third example will be numbered (3).

Numbered examples can be labeled and referred to elsewhere in the document:

(@good)  This is a good example.

As (@good) illustrates, ...

The label can be any string of alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens.

Note: continuation paragraphs in example lists must always be indented four spaces, regardless of the length of the list marker. That is, example lists always behave as if the four_space_rule extension is set. This is because example labels tend to be long, and indenting content to the first non-space character after the label would be awkward.

Compact and loose lists

Pandoc behaves differently from Markdown.pl on some “edge cases” involving lists. Consider this source:

+   First
+   Second:
    -   Fee
    -   Fie
    -   Foe

+   Third

Pandoc transforms this into a “compact list” (with no <p> tags around “First”, “Second”, or “Third”), while Markdown puts <p> tags around “Second” and “Third” (but not “First”), because of the blank space around “Third”. Pandoc follows a simple rule: if the text is followed by a blank line, it is treated as a paragraph. Since “Second” is followed by a list, and not a blank line, it isn’t treated as a paragraph. The fact that the list is followed by a blank line is irrelevant. (Note: Pandoc works this way even when the markdown_strict format is specified. This behavior is consistent with the official Markdown syntax description, even though it is different from that of Markdown.pl.)

Ending a list

What if you want to put an indented code block after a list?

-   item one
-   item two

    { my code block }

Trouble! Here pandoc (like other Markdown implementations) will treat { my code block } as the second paragraph of item two, and not as a code block.

To “cut off” the list after item two, you can insert some non-indented content, like an HTML comment, which won’t produce visible output in any format:

-   item one
-   item two

<!-- end of list -->

    { my code block }

You can use the same trick if you want two consecutive lists instead of one big list:

1.  one
2.  two
3.  three

<!-- -->

1.  uno
2.  dos
3.  tres

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