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logotip de la pàgina

[<][<=][=>]Pandoc User's Guide

    Using pandoc
    Creating a PDF
    General options
    Reader options
    General writer options
    Options affecting specific writers
    Math rendering in HTML
    Options for wrapper scripts
Pandoc’s markdown
        Setext-style headers
        Atx-style headers
        Header identifiers in HTML, LaTeX, and ConTeXt
    Block quotations
    Verbatim (code) blocks
        Indented code blocks
        Delimited code blocks
        Bullet lists
        The four-space rule
        Ordered lists
        Definition lists
        Numbered example lists
        Compact and loose lists
        Ending a list
    Horizontal rules
    Title block
    Backslash escapes
    Smart punctuation
    Inline formatting
        Superscripts and subscripts
    Raw HTML
    Raw TeX
        Automatic links
        Inline links
        Reference links
        Internal links
        Pictures with captions
Producing slide shows with Pandoc
    Structuring the slide show
    Incremental lists
    Styling the slides
Literate Haskell support


W adorn


When the -s/--standalone option is used, pandoc uses a template to add header and footer material that is needed for a self-standing document. To see the default template that is used, just type

pandoc -D FORMAT

where FORMAT is the name of the output format. A custom template can be specified using the --template option. You can also override the system default templates for a given output format FORMAT by putting a file templates/default.FORMAT in the user data directory (see --data-dir, above). Exceptions: For odt output, customize the default.opendocument template. For pdf output, customize the default.latex template. For epub output, customize the epub-page.html, epub-coverimage.html, and epub-titlepage.html templates.

Templates may contain variables. Variable names are sequences of alphanumerics, -, and _, starting with a letter. A variable name surrounded by $ signs will be replaced by its value. For example, the string $title$ in


will be replaced by the document title.

To write a literal $ in a template, use $$.

Some variables are set automatically by pandoc. These vary somewhat depending on the output format, but include:

contents specified by -H/--include-in-header (may have multiple values) toc
non-null value if --toc/--table-of-contents was specified include-before
contents specified by -B/--include-before-body (may have multiple values) include-after
contents specified by -A/--include-after-body (may have multiple values) body
body of document title
title of document, as specified in title block author
author of document, as specified in title block (may have multiple values) date
date of document, as specified in title block lang
language code for HTML or LaTeX documents slidy-url
base URL for Slidy documents (defaults to http://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy2) slideous-url
base URL for Slideous documents (defaults to default) s5-url
base URL for S5 documents (defaults to ui/default) fontsize
font size (10pt, 11pt, 12pt) for LaTeX documents documentclass
document class for LaTeX documents geometry
options for LaTeX geometry class, e.g. margin=1in; may be repeated for multiple options mainfont, sansfont, monofont, mathfont
fonts for LaTeX documents (works only with xelatex and lualatex) theme
theme for LaTeX beamer documents colortheme
colortheme for LaTeX beamer documents linkcolor
color for internal links in LaTeX documents (red, green, magenta, cyan, blue, black) urlcolor
color for external links in LaTeX documents links-as-notes
causes links to be printed as footnotes in LaTeX documents

Variables may be set at the command line using the -V/--variable option. This allows users to include custom variables in their templates.

Templates may contain conditionals. The syntax is as follows:


This will include X in the template if variable has a non-null value; otherwise it will include Y. X and Y are placeholders for any valid template text, and may include interpolated variables or other conditionals. The $else$ section may be omitted.

When variables can have multiple values (for example, author in a multi-author document), you can use the $for$ keyword:

<meta name="author" content="$author$" />

You can optionally specify a separator to be used between consecutive items:

$for(author)$$author$$sep$, $endfor$

If you use custom templates, you may need to revise them as pandoc changes. We recommend tracking the changes in the default templates, and modifying your custom templates accordingly. An easy way to do this is to fork the pandoc-templates repository (http://github.com/jgm/pandoc-templates) and merge in changes after each pandoc release.


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