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[<][<=][=>]Pandoc User's Guide

    Using pandoc
    Creating a PDF
    General options
    Reader options
    General writer options
    Options affecting specific writers
    Math rendering in HTML
    Options for wrapper scripts
Pandoc’s markdown
        Setext-style headers
        Atx-style headers
        Header identifiers in HTML, LaTeX, and ConTeXt
    Block quotations
    Verbatim (code) blocks
        Indented code blocks
        Delimited code blocks
        Bullet lists
        The four-space rule
        Ordered lists
        Definition lists
        Numbered example lists
        Compact and loose lists
        Ending a list
    Horizontal rules
    Title block
    Backslash escapes
    Smart punctuation
    Inline formatting
        Superscripts and subscripts
    Raw HTML
    Raw TeX
        Automatic links
        Inline links
        Reference links
        Internal links
        Pictures with captions
Producing slide shows with Pandoc
    Structuring the slide show
    Incremental lists
    Styling the slides
Literate Haskell support


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Options for wrapper scripts

Print information about command-line arguments to stdout, then exit. This option is intended primarily for use in wrapper scripts. The first line of output contains the name of the output file specified with the -o option, or - (for stdout) if no output file was specified. The remaining lines contain the command-line arguments, one per line, in the order they appear. These do not include regular Pandoc options and their arguments, but do include any options appearing after a -- separator at the end of the line.

Ignore command-line arguments (for use in wrapper scripts). Regular Pandoc options are not ignored. Thus, for example,

pandoc --ignore-args -o foo.html -s foo.txt -- -e latin1

is equivalent to

pandoc -o foo.html -s

© Servei d'Informática, Universitat de Valencia. email SIUV Mod: 01 enero 1970 01:00  documentacion wiki traza de la pagina Editar