Dates and venue
Call for proposals
Collaborating organizations
From the perspective of verbal interaction and from the need to adapt teaching to the demands of our multilingual society, this congress aims to stimulate research and innovation on the teaching of different languages at any stage of education. The congress intends to be a meeting point for the different tendency and approaches concerned with elucidating the study of a language, teacher intervention, and students' learning strategies.
Contrary to the common trend of establishing watertight compartments between the subjects and the content of the language curriculum, the congress fundamentally aims to encourage the development of an integrated language didactics, highlighting those aspects that are common to the teaching in the context of our multilingual educational system. Thus, the intention is to privilege communicative and pragmatic proposals, which go beyond focusing on the study of language as a code or a series of rules, and postulate language diversity and usage as the central points of enquiry.
The congress pays especial attention to the contributions aimed at promoting critical literacy, in such a way that not only linguistic forms are contemplated, but also their close relation with cultural implications. Task-based planning, didactic projects and sequences, and the use of ICTs in education are also pressing issues in a meeting in which research is regarded as the indispensable means to improve the quality of education.
Within the congress, the symposium Methodology for the analysis ofinteraction and language learning will be held. The symposium is organised by the Seminar The classroom as a research field for language teaching and learning, composed of researchers from Spanish and foreign universities.
The topics of the congress are the following:
- Interaction and teaching of languages. The perspective of discourse genres
- Plurilinguism and heteroglossia: diversity of languages, and diversity in the language
- Curriculum design and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- Integrated language didactics
- Critical literacy
- Task-based planning, didactic projects and sequences
- Interaction and use of ICTs in education
Dates and venue
The congress will be held on the 18th, 19th and 20th of September, 2008. All the events will take place at the School of Education of the University of Valencia.
Call for proposals
Proposals are welcome on any of the topics of the congress. They shall be accompanied by an abstract of 800-1000 words. All proposals must be submitted no later than June 20th, 2008 to mailto:interac@uv.es. Their acceptance will be communicated before June 30th, 2008.
Oral presentations will have a maximum of twenty minutes duration with subsequent discussion.
DAY 18
8'30 h. Welcome of participants
9'30 h. Opening ceremony
10 h. Plenary session: Neil Mercer Making the most of classroom dialogue
11'30 h. Break
12 h. Paper session
14 h. Break
15:30 h./18 h. Symposium Methodology for analysis on interaction and language learning
16 h. Paper session
18 h. Break
18'30 h. Round table discussion on Interaction and language learning
Taking part: Neil Mercer (University of Cambridge), Joaquim Dolz (Université de Genève), Marta Milian (UAB), Luisa Alvares Pereira (Univ. de Aveiro), Lino Barrio (Universidad de Valladolid). Moderator: Mateo del Pozo (Universitat de València)
DAY 19
9 h. Paper session
11 h. Plenary session: Anna Camps Hablar y Reflexionar sobre la lengua: hacia un modelo de enseñanza de la gramática basado en la actividad reflexiva en colaboración
12 h. Break
12'30 h. Plenary session: Dora Riestra Problemas de la formación docente:
revisitar las gramáticas de las lenguas en los textos
13'30 h. Break
15:30 h./18 h. Symposium Methodology for analysis on interaction and language learning
16 h. Paper session
18 h. Break
18'30 h. Round table discussion on Possibilities of an integrated language didactics
Aula Magna de la Universitat de València, edifici de la Nau c/ Universitat núm 2.
Taking part: Oriol Guasch (UAB), Uri Ruiz Bikandi (Universidad del País Vasco), Montserrat Ferrer (Universitat Jaume I), Bieito Silva (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela). Moderator: Carmen Rodríguez Gonzalo (Universitat de València)
20.00 h. Soirée at Claustre de la Nau, Universitat de València, c/ Universitat, number 2, with Natxo Mencheta Trio jazz.
DAY 20
9 h. Paper session
11 h. Plenary session: Joaquim Dolz El objeto de la enseñanza de la
lengua a través de la observación de la actividad del profesor
12 h. Break
12'30 h. Round table discussion on Language teaching and language sciences.
Taking part: Anna Camps (UAB), Vicent Salvador (Universitat Jaume I), Dora Riestra (Universidad del Comahue), Manuel García (Universitat de València). Moderator: Paulina Ribera (Universitat de València)
14 h. Closing session
Scientific Committee:
Neil M. Mercer, University of Cambridge (UK)
Anna Camps, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Joaquim Dolz, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Dora Riestra, University of Comahue (Argentina)
Paulina Ribera, University of Valencia
Mateo Del Pozo, University of Valencia
Manuel Garcia, University of Valencia
Maria D. Garcia, University of Valencia
Organising Committee:
Adela Costa, University of Valencia
Angustias Iglesias, University of Valencia
Carmen Rodriguez, University of Valencia
Pilar Garcia, University of Valencia
Cristina Fernández de Gorostiza, Universitat de València
Symposium Organisation: Isabel Ríos (Universitat Jaume I)
Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura de la Universitat de València
Collaborating organizations
The organisation of the congress has negotiated with Sakvitur Travel the possibility of providing accommodation for participants from other cities. Those who are interested may ask information at: