Welcome ! I am Associated Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia, where I am a member of the INN4ALL research group. I am also Visiting Research Fellow at U-GOT KIES (University of Gothenburg). Previously, I was Assistant Professor at the Rennes School of Business, a postdoctoral researcher at the at the University of Bordeaux, and a PhD student at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). My main research areas are on the processes associated with university-industry interactions, citizen science, knowledge management in public and private contexts, scientific creativity, and social networks.

I also serve as an Associate Editor for the journal BRQ - Business Research Quarterly.

Download my Curriculum Vitae.

  • Science-society interactions
  • Citizen science
  • Social network analysis
  • Innovation management
  • Scientific creativity
  • PhD in Business Management, 2013

    University of Valencia & INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

  • BSc in Business Management, 2006

    Jaume I University

Recent publications

For an up-to-date list of publications, check out my Google Scholar.


Assistant Professor
University of Valencia
Sep 2018 – Present Valencia, Spain
Assistant Professor
Rennes School of Business
Jan 2016 – Aug 2018 Rennes, France
Post-doctoral scientist
University of Bordeaux
Mar 2014 – Feb 2016 Bordeaux, France
PhD Candidate
Jan 2010 – Feb 2014 Valencia, Spain

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